You're insecure

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Zayn: "Why do I have such weird... well everything," you asked, with tears in your eyes, as you looked in a full length mirror. You were feeling so unsure of yourself in the short dress you were wearing, which was the 5th one you'd tried on for the night. Zayn looked you up and down, and could not understand what you were seeing. "You look good in that." "Just good?" You asked, allowing your mind to over think his simple word. "Seriously? [Y/N], you look amazing. Is that better? You do not look anything less than amazing to me." A smile played across your face, even though you still felt horrible in the dress, "Are you sure this looks good?" "Yes. Now can we go?" You nodded. As much as you wanted to change, you had to leave sooner or later. "Sure." Zayn heard the shake in your voice, "I'm serious [Y/N]. You look amazing in that. Please don't think anything less of yourself. You are amazing, and I'm being honest when I say that dress looks so good on you."

Liam: "I'm not as pretty or as good as your ex. I hear that all that time," you explained, when Liam asked you what was bothering you. He could see it in your face for the past few days, that something was wrong. He just did not know what. Until now that is. "[Y/N], who would tell you that? That's not true at all." You looked down at your hands, to avoid Liam's eyes. "Everyone. I hear people talking. I read tweets from your fans. I see it Liam. I'm not as good as her, and I don't see why you care about me. You had something so..." "Stop. Just stop, don't do this. You are everything I want. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise. Aren't our opinions about our relationship the only ones that matter?" You nodded weakly. "Okay then, don't listen to them. Don't compare yourself to anyone. I'm dating you, not anyone else."

Harry: Looking down at your computer, you were frozen. Typing a simple 140 character sentence should not have been stressful, but yet it was. And across the living room, Harry could see the stress on your face. "[Y/N], what's wrong?" You shook your head. "It's stupid." "No, it's not. It's bothering you. Tell me what's wrong." It took you a few moments of thinking, to find the right words to explain your thoughts, "I feel stupid when I tweet." "What?" "It's just, everyone is judging everything I say. Before all this I was just talking to my friends, but now I'm talking to girls who are just waiting to tear me apart. And I feel so stupid, because I am." "You're not," Harry stated, while he stood up and quickly walked over to you, "You're not stupid [Y/N]. Seriously, all over a tweet?" "No matter what I say, someone says something rude. And they have reason to. I'm just stupid." Harry sat down next to you, his heart aching at the thought of you feeling this way, "Please don't think this way. You are not stupid at all. Just delete or don't post if it bothers you this much. Start a new one, that just your friends know about. I just don't want you to feel this way. Please."

Louis: "I don't want to go tonight. Just go without me," you sighed, as you stepped into the kitchen, still wearing the sweats you'd had on all day; which was not the nice outfit Louis expected to see you in. "Why? Tonight is a big deal to me. I want you there." "But I-I don't want to go." You saw pain in Louis' eyes, as he responded angrily to you. "Why? I actually want you to be there for me, and instead you just decide not to come?!" "Louis," you sighed, feeling tears start to form in your eyes, "I'm sorry." "Why won't you come?" "Because..." "Why?" Louis was glaring at you now, and it caused you to burst into tears. "Because I'll be around girls who make me feel so pointless. When I'm around all the girls at these events, who all have such perfect bodies, I feel horrible Louis. I don't want to go, because I don't feel strong enough to handle it tonight. I don't want to cry all night, because I'm not good enough. It's just not worth it. I'm sorry." All of Louis' defensiveness vanished, as he walked to stand by your side, and put an arm around you. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you felt that way. You don't have to come tonight. But don't you know you're just as good as all those girls? They have help to look fake. And you're gorgeous just the way you are."

Niall: "There is something wrong. I can see that." Niall was sitting next to you, trying to get you to tell him what was bothering you; but you were denying that anything was wrong. And when you shook your head for a 2nd time, Niall put his arm around you. "[Y/N], please tell me. I know you're lying." Realizing Niall was not about to drop this, you finally just sighed and gave in. "Don't think this is stupid, but I just worry that. Well, I worry that you'll get bored of me quickly. You can have any girl in the world, so why settle for me?" Your words shocked Niall. "I-I-I..." You felt like his lack of words was confirming your insecurities. "I know, don't worry. No one ever actually wants to be with me for long." "No!" Niall shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around your words, "I'm just shocked you feel this way. I really like you [Y/N], and I have no plans to end this. And I'm not settling for you. I want to be with you. I'm so happy with you. I'm sorry for whatever has made you feel this way. You don't deserve that. You're amazing. Please remember that?"


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