He meets your twin sister

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Niall: "Nice to meet you," Niall smiled, while shaking your twin sisters hand. She did not look exactly like you, close, but not exactly. You always felt like she was just a little prettier than you. So when Niall's handshake seemed to last a few moments too long, your heart began to panic. Did he think that too? You left the room, not quite sure where the tears rolling down your face were coming from. It was crazy, it was handshake, and yet your world felt like it crumbled. "What's wrong [Y/N]?" Niall had followed behind you, and was greatly concerned when he saw your tears. "It's so stupid." "Tell me." You looked down at the ground, your insecurities making you feel even worse, "I saw you looking at her, and you shook her hand for so long. I know she's prettier than me, but well I just..." Niall cut you off, while pulling you into his arms, "Are you out of your mind? You're gorgeous [Y/N]. I was being nice to your sister, but I'm sorry if it seemed like anything else. Don't feel this way, please. You're amazing." "I've always felt second best to her," you explained, while wishing you could change that about yourself. "Well don't, because for me you're the best thing in the world." Niall hugged you tightly after, and you felt so lucky to have him as yours.

Louis: "[Y/N], where is this sister of yours?" Louis asked, while he stood behind and threw his arms around who he thought was you. Standing in a busy airport, he was looking around for someone who looked similar to you, not knowing what she really looked like though. "Does she look like you at all?" The girl Louis had his arms around giggled, "Um, I am her sister." Hands falling from her waist, Louis finally noticed you standing not to far behind your sister. He kept looking back and forth between the two of you, "Why do you two look the exact same?" "We're identical twins Louis, I thought I told you that?" You laughed, knowing you had actually not told him a thing about your sister being your twin. You thought it would be funny to see what Louis would do when he saw her. "No, you didn't. It may have been nice to know." You walked over to him, and put yours arms around his neck, leaning in for a quick kiss. "Now you know, and you're going to have a fun week making sure you got the right girl." Louis glanced over at your sister, "How am I sure you're not actually [Y/N]?" "I'm pretty sure I would not let my sister kiss you," you answered, giving Louis another kiss on the lips.

Harry: "I thought you two would look more alike," Harry explained, after you introduced him to your twin sister. "I mean, you barely even look alike at all." Your sister nodded, while you answered your boyfriend, "Twins don't have to look alike Harry. We're fraternal. At least there's never a mix up this way. Could you imagine two of me?" A laugh came from Harry's lips at the thought of two people just like you. He loved you, but you liked to joke a lot, and you always seem to be falling or in some sort of trouble. "Well maybe two exactly like you would not be safe." Your sister nodded again, and finally spoke up, "[Y/N] is literally the most insane person I know, so I'm glad to think I'm not like her." "Hey! You two both love me, and you know that." "Of course we love you [Y/N]," You sister answered, and then Harry finished her thought, "We just couldn't handle two of you."

Liam: You walked into your parents living room, and watched as Liam went in for a kiss right on your sister's lips. Your eyes went wide, and you felt rage, as you watched your sister push Liam away. You were about to scream, when she did first, "Liam I'm not [Y/N]!" Jumping up from the couch, you sister ran from the room, running right past you. Liam was looking over at you, when you finally focused back on him, anger still coursing through your veins. "I'm so sorry [Y/N], I honestly thought it was you. I'd never do that. I thought you said your sister was at school?" "She just got home," you answered, not trusting yourself to say or do anything more than that. Liam stood up and walked over to you, trying to think of what to do or say himself, "That's not how I wanted to meet her." "Yeah, it's not how I wanted you two to meet either," you answered, as you felt yourself beginning to relax after realizing Liam really did not do anything wrong. He just thought your twin sister was you, and that was partly your fault, for not warning him she was home. "Maybe I should go introduce you two properly."

Zayn: "How do I tell you two apart?" Zayn asked, after saying the proper hello and nice to meet you. He was looking between you two, not seeing one difference between the girl he loved and her sister. "Well," you began, looking over at your twin, "she has a slightly bigger head than me." "I do not!" she argued back, "No, the different is that my hair is actually a lot shorter than [Y/N]'s. It's up now, but when it's down you'll be able to see that." "Oh okay," Zayn nodded, hoping that was true. He really was confused over the difference, and he did not want to have to ask every time he saw you, which twin you were. "I just don't want to make a mistake and confuse you two when I shouldn't." You shrugged, "We'd laugh, honestly. Our parents have known us for so long, and they still don't know who is who at times. If you can tell the difference ever, that'll be good. I'm not worried though Zayn, I'll make sure you know who's who."


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