you have a fight before he goes on tour part 2

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Zayn: You sat in front of the computer, reading yet another article about how different Zayn had been acting recently. He'd been moody, quite, annoyed, easily frustrated, and he yelled and threw a fit over nothing. You clicked on the link below where it was an interview with Zayn and Niall. "So, how are your girlfriends?" The interviewer asked the death-defying question. You could see it right away, Zayn's eyes dropped to the table, though the forced smile remained the same. Niall gave all the happy details on his current girlfriend whilst Zayn bit his lip avoiding it. "Ugh!" You groaned, reaching over and snatching up your phone, and calling Zayn. He picked up on the second ring, sounding panicked and at the same time, exhausted. "Y/N?!-" "Zayn, i'm calling to tell you to stop being so damn moody! You seem freaking depressed and people are talking, okay?" You sighed, ready to hang up. "W-wait, Y/N please! Just don't leave for a second!" Zayn pleaded from the other line, and you hesitated, leaning back in your chair. He took your silence as an answer and continued, "I know what I did was stupid, and as you can see, I regret it so goddamn much. Everyday! I miss you, babe. I miss you calling me every night and tweeting me all the time. I just miss you so much!". "Zayn..." "I don't want to break up with you, in fact if anything I want to live the rest of my life with you-" "Whoa whoa whoa!" You interrupted, "You thought we'd broken up?!". "Well...u-uh" You heard Zayn stuttering nervously from the other end, "It's just, you were angry. You practically shouted I just thought...I dunno". "Zayn, babe, couples fight!" You insisted, spinning around in circles on your desk chair. It was wonder how just hearing his voice made your toes girl, your stomach flutter. And even you had to be completely honest. You missed him more than anything. "So, we haven't broken up?" He suggested hopefully, a little glitter of excitement to his voice. "Zayn, as much as i'd like to hate you right now, I fucking can't because your too bloody adorable!" You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest. "I love you so much, Y/N, you've no idea" Zayn chuckled. "Yeah yeah, Zayn, I know...". "So was work?"

Harry: 'They've broken up!' 'Harry and Y/N, OVER!' 'It was probably her fault!' 'Have they broken up?!' 'THEY'VE SPLIT!' You huffed and slammed the lid of the laptop, practically throwing it onto the other couch. Rumors already?! It'd been less than four days and apparently you and Harry had broken up. All you knew is that Harry'd been calling you non stop since he left and you'd non stop ignored all his calls. "Here hun" Your best friend sighed, handing you another glass. "I just," You blubbered, probably slightly drunk, "I just don't get it! Like, he said he loved me, then he goes and pulls this fuckery?! No! I'm done, Lucy. I'm done with him and his curly hair and his rugged perfect good looks. And his...his eyes that are just like their looking into my soul and his...his raspy voice that just--you know what?! I should call him!". "Y/N, no!" Lucy insisted, reaching over and pulling the phone from your hands, "Be strong! You can do it!". "But I miss him, Luc. I miss him so damn much. And I hate him, but I miss him! And I love him, but I want to kick him so far up his groin that he wouldn't be able to have kids with that Stacy chick! Like, what does she have that I don't?!" You shouted. Lucy gulped, "Uh, Y/N....". "Do I need prettier eyes?! There are contacts for that-" "You don't need anything" You heard the familiar voice chant softly from behind you. You spun around, the glass almost slipping from your fingers as you peered at your former or ex boyfriend Harry Styles leaning against the doorframe. "Well well well" You chuckled, getting off the floor and slowly walking over to him, "If it isn't the infamous Harry Potter!". Yep, you were drunk. "Is she okay?" Harry asked Lucy, arms out as if he was prepared to catch you if he needed too. "She's a bit tipsy...look, I should. I should go..." Lucy scrambled to her feet, clutching up her purse, "And uh, guard your private parts...she wants to kick you so far up the groin you wouldn't be able to ever". And with that Lucy slipped out quickly. "Your a wizard, Harry" You gasped, touching the side of his face. "Okay, bedtime for you, babe" Harry chuckled, bending down and carrying you to your room bridal style. He laid you down, got you tucked in, fed you a little food and water and sat beside you. "I love you Harry, I do" You mumbled, grabbing his hand. Harry smiled down at you and kissed your forehead. "You probably won't remember this baby girl but, I love you too. So so much. No matter who tries to get between us, I will always come back to you. You've changed my entire life, for the better. I love you so much, Y/N". Little did he know, you had remembered every single word that left his lips.

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