You surprise him on tour

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Niall: When Niall was on tour, he always missed you. The downside of this was that he often forgot about things he had to do. He'd forget to do his laundry or he'd forget where he had to be for interviews. Sometimes he would text you and ask you where he had to be for an interview and what time he had to be there. The boys would often call you so you could remind Niall to clean up his bunk or wash his clothes because he wouldn't listen to them. One day, Paul got fed up with the boys acting crazy and not doing anything productive and called you in as backup. Before you left your house, you got a text from Niall. 'Hiyaaaa babe!! Where am I supposed to be today??' You thought for a bit before responding. 'You have the day off, Niall. Why don't you go back to sleep. You need your rest. ' You knew he would listen to you so you quickly came up with a plan to surprise him. The boys next concert was only an hour away from where you were so you hopped in the car and drove over. Paul let you in the gate and took you to the boys bus. It was a mess. There was dirty laundry and trash everywhere. Liam was carefully picking things up and throwing them away. "Y/n! Thank god you're here!" He hugged you and you asked him where Niall was. Liam pointed to Niall's bunk. "He's sleeping. He's been a bit stressed lately. " You thanked Liam and walked over to Niall's bunk and pulled back the curtains. He was all cuddled up in his blankets and fast asleep. You gently shook his shoulder and he opened his eyes. "Y/n?" You laughed. "Yeah babe. It's me. " he sat up and hugged you tightly. "I missed you so much!" He mumbled into your hair. "I missed you too babe now get up. We're going to do your laundry." Harry poked his head around the corner. "Want to do mine too?" You gave him a little glare. "Not a chance bud. And when I get back I expect this bus to be cleaned up. You got that, boys?" They all nodded and got to work on tidying up the bus. Niall draped an arm around you and kissed your cheek. "I'm really glad you're here, y/n. "

Harry:The boys were in the middle of shooting a new music video and they were having the time of their lives but something was a bit off with Harry. He had seemed a bit distant the last few days and the boys thought it was because he missed you. You and Harry were friends with the director of the music video so you had the perfect idea to surprise Harry. You called the director and asked him if there was a spot for you in the music video. He said he had the perfect thing for you to do. He decided that you would replace one if the dancers in the video and accidentally stumble into Harry. You knew it would be funny so you agreed and showed up at the set. The director hid you in a back room til the boys were ready and told you to come out. In the music video, Harry would be walking out of a house and when he opened the door, you would be on the other side. When the director yelled "action!" You hopped into your spot and Harry opened the door. His jaw dropped and he totally forgot that he was supposed to be singing. You started laughing and Harry grabbed you into a huge bear hug. "Y/n when did you get here?! I missed you so much!!"

Zayn: You and Zayn were very good at keeping in touch while he was on tour. The two of you would always find time to talk on the phone or Skype. Even if you could only send a quick text, each of you knew what was going on in the other' s life. One day, Zayn texted you and asked you to visit him at a meet and greet that was being held in the city you were in. " I'd love to see you, babe. Even if its only for a few minutes. " you sighed. You had just gotten a new job and you had a business deal to close. You had to have the deal closed on the same day as the meet and greet. "I don't know if I'll be able to make it. I'm so sorry:( work is getting crazy but I'll call you later ok?" You knew Zayn would be upset but he would understand. Right before you left to meet the client for the business deal, your boss called you and told you that the client needed to reschedule and you could stay home. You looked at your watch. The meet and greet would start in 20 minutes. You went home and changed out of your work clothes. You decided to surprise Zayn with some take out food since you knew he would probably be hungry. When you got to the venue, there were fans everywhere and some of them recognized you. You made them promise not to spread the word that you were there. You waited for the meet and greet line to die down before you snuck up on Zayn. You stood on your tiptoes and whispered in his ear. "Hey babe" Zayn jumped a little and turned around with a huge smile on his face. "But- I thought-" you shut him up with a kiss and handed him the bag of food. " The client cancelled so I figured I'd surprise you here" you said. Zayn took your hand and the two of you walked toward the dressing room. "I love you. " he said, kissing your cheek

Louis: When Louis was away from you for too long, he always got into trouble. The boys and Paul were constantly calling you to talk to Louis so he would stop pulling pranks on them. One day Zayn called you and begged you to come visit Louis. "Y/n. please. You have to come visit him. He's going crazy! He filled my shoes with toothpaste this morning!!" You laughed. "Ok. I'll come. No promises that the pranks will stop though. " This was classic Louis. You decided to pack your bags and visit your boyfriend for a few days. The boys were having a day full of interviews and photoshoots so you called Paul and told him you'd be at their next interview. The boys were all seated at the center of the stage on a couch. The interviewer introduced each one of them and then started asking questions from twitter. You had Paul arrange that your tweet would be read and you decided to really mess with Louis. "Ok our next question comes from a fan who wants to know why Louis always gets into trouble whenever y/n isn't there to yell at him" She smiled and turned to Louis, waiting for an answer. Louis looked absolutely stunned and the boys were all trying not to laugh. "Well. Um. I guess I just get ... Bored? I don't know" the interviewer laughed. "Well, everybody, thanks to the boys for being I the show and as a little parting gift we got you guys a babysitter for Louis to keep him out of trouble. She waved you over. Louis jumped off the couch, falling over Zayn's leg in the process. Niall was laughing so hard that his face had turned red and Harry was nearly crying he was laughing so hard. Louis gave you a big hug and promised to stop the pranks. At least for a while...

Liam: Liam: Liam had left for tour about a month ago and you couldn't lie, you missed him. The two of you would talk on the phone whenever he had time. He would tell you about the venue they played at or the crazy things the boys would do on stage. Liam's birthday was coming up and you had some vacation days from work that you hadn't taken yet. You packed your bags and bought a plane ticket to the city Liam would be in. After calling all the boys and telling them your plan, they agreed to help you plan a birthday surprise for Liam. When you arrived at the venue, Zayn and Harry were waiting to sneak you in. Niall and Louis were supposed to make sure Liam didn't suspect anything and make sure he was distracted so you could carry out your plan. You would watch the concert from a secret spot so no fans would see you and at the end, you would walk out with Liam's birthday cake. While you were waiting in your seat, you got a text from Liam. 'Hey babe! I'm about to go on stage:) you're probably sleeping but I wanted to say I love you!! Miss you tons:(' you smiled. He would be so happy that you were here. Before their last song, Paul came to get you and the catering people handed you the cake you had ordered. You were so excited that you'd be able to see your boyfriend again that you almost missed your cue to bring out the cake. The boys were saying goodnight to the crowd. Louis had his arm around Liam's shoulder and started a little speech. "Now as some of you may know, my good friend Liam here is celebrating his birthday. So lets sing to him shall we?!" The crowd cheered loudly and as everybody sang you walked out with the cake. Louis turned Liam's shoulders so he was facing you and the expression on Liam's face was priceless. His jaw dropped and his eyes lit up. You smiled at him and handed the cake to Harry. Liam ran at you and hugged you tightly and mumbling something about this being his best birthday ever. He was so happy and surprised that you had gotten there without him knowing. After the boys' final bow, the two of you went out for ice cream.


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