He finds you cutting *requested*

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Louis: You were hanging out with your boyfriend Louis on tour but at the moment he was out with the lads. You were laying on the bed in the hotel room and scrolling through twitter. There was a bunch of hate and you could feel your arm start itching. All you could think about was the blood dripping from your arm and the sweet sensation you would feel once you did it. You got off the bed and looked over at the clock and realize you have about forty minutes before Louis will be back. You walk in the bathroom and grab one of your unused razors. You smile as you press the blade against your arm, the sweet sensation filling your mind. Your heart felt calm again and it felt good. The door to the room opens and you hear Louis call your name. "In the bathroom. Be out in a minute." You say. You quickly throw out the razor but Louis had to go to the bathroom real bad so he walked in. "I need to-" He begins to say but then cuts off when he sees the cuts on your arms. "What?" He ask. Tears were falling from your face and you knew that he was going to end it with you. Who would want to be with a cutter? "I'm sorry." You say. He didn't say anything. All he did was stare at your arm so you started to walk out of the bathroom. He didn't follow you and you started packing your things. "Where are you going?" He asks from behind you. "It's over right? You don't want me anymore?" You ask while letting tears fall down your face. "What? That is crazy! Of course I want you! I love you Y/N! No matter what I will always love you and I will help you get through this." He says while walking over to you and giving you a massive kiss, instead of the blade giving you a beautiful sensation, it was Louis this time.

Liam: All you could think about was the blade going across your skin and seeing the cut that you knew would form a beautiful scar. You were driving down to your flat, remembering what the fans had said. It had already been a bad day and when the fans started calling you names you just couldn't take it. Liam had no idea that you cut and you wanted to keep it that way. Who would want to date a cutter? No one. You walk into yours and Liam's flat to find him laying down on the couch. "Hey babe." He says. "Hey." You say with no emotion. He continues watching the telly so you figured it was a good time to go and cut. You walk in the bathroom and grab the razor, smiling because you knew the pain you felt now would be installed with a different yet easing kind of pain. You press down on your arm, feeling the cut start to form when you hear Liam say, "Stop. Stop it right now!" He said. You were so focused on cutting you did not hear him open the door. Tears form in your eyes and you slid on the floor, balling your eyes out. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." You say over and over. "Why? Why are you doing this? It's going to be okay. I will be here with you, I love you. I love you. I love you." He kept saying while kissing you on your arms.

Harry: "Just do it." You say to yourself. You think of what Harry would do if he saw you doing this again but he wasn't home so would he ever know? You felt tears falling down your face. You needed to feel it, feel the scissor cut your arm and make you feel good. You needed the itching sensation gone. You start to slide the scissors on your leg, less chance of Harry finding out, and you smile as you see the new cut appear. Once you did the first cut you wanted more, you needed more. A few minutes pass and you have five brand new cuts on your leg. "Y/N! I'm home!" Harry calls out. You quickly get up and rush to the sink, trying to hide the evidence. "Babe?" He calls out. "Don't come in here! I am peeing!" You say. "I've already seen you naked plus I need my necklace, I forgot it in there." He said while opening the door. "NO!" You say while trying to close it. "What's going on?!" He asked from the other side of the door. "I'M GOING TO THE BATHROOM!" You yell. He paused for a moment but then knew what you were doing. "NO! NOT AGAIN! OPEN THE DOOR! Open the damn door!" He says. You start balling your eyes out and slide down on the floor. Harry kicks the door open and sees you sitting on the ground, blood on your leg, crying. "Baby. Baby please no." He says while tears form in his eyes. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm not good enough. You don't need me. You're too good for me." You say through your sobs."Listen to me. You are perfect for me and I love you. Don't ever say that! I love you no matter what! Stop hurting yourself, you don't deserve it love. I need you more than anything." He says while brushing a strand of your hair away from your face and leaning in to give you a kiss.

Niall: You close your eyes, imagining the blade going across your arm. "What are thinking about?" Niall asks you. You slip out of your daydream and find your boyfriend of two years looking at you with a smile. "Food." You say while lieing and faking a smile. He laughs a little and gets up. "I'm going to go get food from the store. Want to come?" He asks. You were about to say yes but then you thought this would be the perfect time to go cut. "No. I'm in the lazy mood." You say with a little laugh. "I'll be back soon." He says with a smile and leans in to give you a kiss. The second he leaves you go to the bathroom, finding the razor. You sit on the floor and slide it against your leg, loving the feeling. You forgot about everything else for a moment and just thought about the sensation it gave you. "Have you seen my wallet?" Niall asks. You didn't realize he had come back so you struggled to hide what you were doing but he caught you before you had a chance. "Princess? I thought you stopped." He said while tears formed his eyes. You started balling and he walks over, staying silent the whole time. He picks up the razor and throws it in the trash. He cleans up the blood and then helps clean up your cuts, silent the whole time. When he bandaged your leg he finally looked you in the eyes and all you could see in his were pain. "Why? Princess why don't you talk to me?" He asks. "I don't know why. I just like the feeling. It helps ease the pain." You say. "Ease what pain?" He asks. "I don't know. There is just some pain inside me that I have no idea what it is and it scares me Ni." You say while starting to cry. He starts crying too and pulls you into a hug. "I'm not leaving you. I love you no matter what and I will help you get through this." He says and then leans in to give you a kiss.

Zayn: "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Zayn yells. You jump in fear, never hearing him yell at you like this. You were already crying and you walked over to throw the scissors in the garbage. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" He shouts. That stung a bit and you felt the anger build in you. "I'M FUCKED UP! THAT'S WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!" You yell. He stops talking, completely frozen from shock. "No baby. No you're not fucked up! I'm sorry for yelling! I didn't mean...I was just shocked. I don't want to see you hurt yourself like that babe." He said while taking you in his arms. "You're not going to leave me are you?" You ask, feeling the tears fall down your face. He steps back and laughs a little. "I'm not leaving you. I love you no matter what. I will help you with this. I'm never leaving you." He said. You smiled and leaned up on your tiptoes to give him a long kiss.


If you are cutting please stop you guys are too beautiful for that!! If you are going through a hard time It will get better I know it will. You guys can talk to me about that. I will not judge you because I went though that too. Please talk to me if you want. I love you guys a lot ❤️❤️❤️ Be Strong 💪

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