Going to a concert together

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Louis: "Thank you so much!" you exclaimed, while throwing your arms around Louis, "I can't believe you actually got me tickets for tonight!" "All you do is talk about how much you wanted to see them," Louis explained, hugging you back tightly, "I knew somehow I had to get you there." You did not lossen your hold on him at all as you replied, "You don't even like them, and you did this for me. Thank you so much!" "You're welcome [Y/N]. I hope the concert is as amazing as you want it to be." "It will be. I can't wait!"

Harry: "I thought it was sold out?" You questioned, as Harry waved two concert tickets infront of your face. Harry smirked, "Well I happen to know a few people in the band. You'd be surprised how many tickets they hold onto for friends or anyone who wants to go." "WOW!" You shouted, reaching for the tickets, "So these are good seats then?" "VIP seats," Harry answered, watching as you stared happily at the concert tickets, "So you're happy?" "Yes!" You looked up at Harry, "I'm so happy right now. I'm seeing my favorite band live in only a few hours! Oh gosh, I need to go get an outfit to wear!"

Liam: You looked over at Liam standing next to you, as he was looking around at the large arena. The band had just finished their first song, and so the crowd was going crazy. "Is it weird to be on this side of the stage?!" You screamed, leaning in close to Liam's ear. He looked over to you, "No. It's fun." "I didn't ask if it was fun. I mean, is it odd to not be the one singing up there?" Liam thought of your question for a moment, before shrugging his shoulders, "I guess a little. But I'm having fun tonight. I'm glad to be here with you." You smiled over his words. "I'm glad you're here too."

Niall: "You look like you're enjoying this more than I am," you laughed, when you noticed Niall was singing along to every single song that the band had played so far. Niall stopped singing, and looked towards you, "You're not enjoying this?" You shook your head, with a huge smile on your face, "No, that's not what I meant! I am completely enjoying this! This is the most amazingly perfect night ever. I just meant, you seem to really, really enjoy this too. And that makes this even better." Niall put an arm around your waist, "This is pretty amazing. We should go to concerts more often, whenever I have days off."

Zayn: "This is going to be so amazing. This is my favorite band," you explained to Zayn, as the two of you drove towards the arena to the concert. "Favorite band? I've heard you say that before, about another band." You laughed, knowing that he was talking about One Direction. "Does this band have four really hot singers, and one who's name starts with a Z, who's just alright? If so, ehh, I'm over them." Zayn laughed at your reply. "Your favorite band really does change daily though." "Of course it does. Whoever I'm listening to at the moment is my favorite. And right now I'm about to go see my current favorite band in concert, with my incredible boyfriend, who was so, so sweet to get me tickets."


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