how he kisses you

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Harry: He cups your neck in his hands, nudging your nose gently with his before trailing kisses along your jaw. Once you sigh against him, he nudges your nose with his again before pressing his lips to yours.

Liam: He pushes strands of hair behind your ear while leaning in to nuzzle his nose against yours. He'll set one hand on your waist and slide the other to the back of your neck before pressing his lips to yours while fitting you against his body.

Niall: He pulls you against him while wrapping his arms around your shoulders for one of his famous Horan hugs. He presses kisses to your neck before leaning into you. As you breathe in his scent, Niall presses his lips to yours.

Louis: He places both hands on either side of you face and crashes his lips onto your leaving you weak at the knees.

Zayn: With both arms around your waste as your arms are around his neck he kisses your lips so softly that you melt every time.


Instagram: upononedirection_

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