He leaves for tour

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Harry: "Don't fall for all the other girls that you'll meet," you tried to joke, while resting your forehead against Harry's. It was not really a joke to you though, you really were worried of all the girls Harry would meet while he was away for months on tour. "[Y/N], don't worry about anyone else. I'll be thinking about you the entire time." You closed your eyes, to hide all the worry you knew was clear in your face. "I just don't like that you'll be gone for so long. I know it's your job, but I'm going to miss you so much." Harry pushed a strand of hair out of her face, "I'm going to miss you too, but we'll see each other from time to time. Just trust me, okay?" "I do, even if I'm worried. I know I can trust you." Harry kissed you quickly after you said that, and then the two of you held each other for a little longer, knowing Harry would be gone as soon as you let go.

Liam: "I wish you could come [Y/N]," Liam said, for the tenth time in a minute. You laughed softly, as laughing was the only way to not think about the fact he was leaving. "You know I have school, and you don't really want me there. You need to go and have fun on this tour, not worry about your girlfriend the entire time." Liam sighed, and shook his head at what you had just said, "I would much rather relax with you after a show, then anything else." "You say that now, until the boys are all having fun, and you would be stuck with me. Just go Liam, go have fun on tour. I'll call you everyday, and bug you til you're sick of me." "That won't happen," Liam answered, while hoping you really were going to be as okay as you seemed.

Louis: "I'm going to miss you so much," you whispered in his ear, as you and Louis walked to the front door of your home. Louis put an arm around your waist, "I'm going to miss you too. You're going to come though, for a few stops, right?" "Of course," you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder, "I feel like this is going to be the longest time in my life. I didn't realize how hard this would be, and you haven't even left yet." Louis stopped walking, and turned so that you two were face to face, "I know it's hard, but we love each other enough that it'll be okay." "I know that. It's because I love you so much, that I know I'm going to miss you like crazy." Louis pulled you in for a kiss, but before your lips collided, he quickly whispered to you, "Missing each other will just make seeing you again that much better."

Zayn: "I'm worried about my phone bill," you laughed, after Zayn said he'd call you every second he could. Zayn laughed as well, knowing you would actually be the one to call him the most. Even when he could not answer, you would end up calling to leave him a voicemail to come back to later. "How about this, if we talk too much, and it gets crazy, I'll pay your phone bill. That long distance is going to add up really fast." "I'd say no, but I do think that you may have to," you leaned your head on his shoulder, and thought over how stupid this entire conversation seemed, "So are we really going to talk about my phone bill, to not talk about how much I am going to miss you?" "Your phone bill doesn't hurt to talk about."


"I really want to drop everything and come with you," you whispered, not wanting the other 4 guys, who were not too far from you and Niall, to hear you. "Then do it," Niall whispered back, his arms wrapped tightly around you as he did, "Come with me, and forget about everything here." You shook your head, "I have a life Niall, and I can't just..." "Yes you can. Nothing is really keeping you here. Just come. Tell your mum bye, and come with me." You glanced at the other guys, "They would not want me to come." With a shake of his head, Niall answered, "It's not about what they want, it's about me. I want you there. No, I need you there [Y/N]. Come on, come with me." You brain was telling you not to. There were so many reason you should have said no, but you did not. "Sure Niall, why not."


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