You're his celeb crush

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Liam: You nodded along to the beat of the music, your eyes scanning the crowd as they all danced and sang along to the loud music pounding through Funky Buddha. You were in town for your tour as a singer, and one of the members of your band had dragged you out to the club, raving about this club where many celebrities partied. You were normally very good with people when you were singing, but at a social even like this, you weren't in your comfort zone. You didn't really feel like dancing with people you didn't know, and you didn't really want a drink, so there wasn't much for you to do. You were looking around for your band mate so you could just tell her that you were headed back to the hotel when you ran into someone. "Oh, sorry!" You looked up to see a very attractive, yet familiar guy with an apologetic look on his face. "Oh my god. You're (Y/N)!" You nodded, and that's when it clicked, "You're Liam! From One Direction, right?" "Yeah, that's me," He laughed nervously. "You've been my celebrity crush for a while now." You blinked, unable to process that Liam Payne from world-famous boy band One Direction just admitted he had a crush on you. "Yeah, you're kind of mine too," You replied, smiling apprehensively. "Would you like to dance?" He questioned. "Yeah, of course," You smiled, letting him lead you to the dance floor. You ended up having a great time and leaving with Liam's number in your phone.

Zayn: "(Y/N) (Y/L/N) is pretty fit," He shrugged nonchalantly. You nearly spit out the water you had been drinking, putting your hand up to your mouth to try and keep anything from spilling on your laptop. Your eyes widened and you didn't catch his next few words because of how shocked you had been. Zayn Malik from One Direction had just said you were his celebrity crush! You replayed it back, listening to the words again to make sure they were real and the next ones his band mates said, "Yeah, Zayn's been going on and on about her all the time." "It's been driving me mad," Louis added. "Will you boys shut it?" Zayn hissed. "Well, we'll have to talk to (Y/N) about it next time we interview her," The interviewer winked. You stared as they moved on to another question and searched for anymore traces of your name. Nothing else came up, which definitely didn't help your mental state at all. You re-watched the segment with your name about three times, making sure you weren't dreaming before you logged onto Twitter. After thinking about what to say and coming up with about two rough drafts, you finally decided on what to tweet him. '@(Y/T/N): @zaynmalik so I heard some news today. Coffee soon? :)' You didn't have to wait very long before you got a reply. '@zaynmalik: @(Y/T/N) definitely. DM me your number? :) xx'

Louis: "And the winner of the Best Group award is..." Everyone leaned forward in anticipation as you smiled secretively, opening up the card and seeing that fancy font with the band you had hoped would win's name printed neatly. Your smiled widened and you looked up, right at the camera and announced, "One Direction!" Cheers erupted throughout the crowd, and the boys were shown on the screen jumping around and hugging each other. They eventually calmed themselves and made their way up the stage, where you greeted them and handed the award to Niall, who was first to reach you. The boys all gave you a kiss on the cheek except for the last one-Louis Tomlinson. He kissed you right smack on the mouth and uttered a small "oops" before smirking and continuing on his way with his band. You stepped off to the side, your eyes wide as you watched them thank many people, including the fans, their record label, "Special thanks to (Y/N) over there for presenting us with this award. She's fantastic!" Louis exclaimed. The audience cheered again and your near-red face was up on the big screen for a few seconds before flashing back to the boys. Later on, while you were getting ready to leave, there was somebody waiting for you. You smiled shyly as his bright blue eyes met yours, and he smiled as well. "Hi. I wanted to try and get your number so we could maybe go out for dinner sometime."

Niall: "Who is your celebrity crush?" Liam read the question from the big screen in the concert hall. You smiled at the boys all began listing their crushes, waiting until the blonde Irishman decided to share his. You were a fan of the boys, and it just so happened that you were in the area of their current concert, so you bought a ticket from someone online, getting pretty good seats so you could see them up close. Some people had recognized you and asked for pictures, but it was pretty low-key considering that everyone in that arena was focused solely on the boys that night. Niall shook his head, "No doubt about it, it's gotta be (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." Your mouth dropped open and you stared at him in shock as some of the boys agreed, calling you 'fit' and 'talented'. The girls who had recognized you in your section were all staring at you in shock. As they went to answer the next question, the girls around you started screaming, pointing in your direction, causing you to wince from all the noise. This caught Niall's attention, and he squinted in your direction before his eyes widened in realization. He opened his mouth to speak, connecting gazes with you before he looked back at the boys. They hadn't noticed you, so they were answering questions. Niall held up a finger to you, telling you to wait before leaning down and whispering something to his security guard. Niall occasionally cast looks in your direction throughout the concert, watching your smiling face as you sang along with the fans. After the encore, the security guard caught you on your way out and brought you backstage, where Niall was waiting nervously. When he saw you, his eyes lit up and he laughed nervously, sticking out a hand, "I'm Niall."

Harry: "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Over here!" One of the paparazzi shouted. "Smile for us, (Y/N)!" You smiled brightly, the flashing lights form the cameras nearly blinding you. Your dress was flawless, your hair was perfect, and you were ready to kill this awards show. A you continued down the line, more people shouted questions at her, so she slowed to listen and answer some. "(Y/N)! Who are you excited to see here tonight?" "Um, it'll be great to see Jennifer Lawrence again. She's so great. I'm really looking forward to seeing One Direction, though. Those boys always dress sharp," You winked, answering honestly. "That's the same thing Harry Styles said about you!" One of them told you. Your eyebrows raised and you looked at the exact paparazzi. "Really? He said that?" He nodded vigorously, "He said you're his celebrity crush! New Hollywood couple, maybe?" "Thinking ahead, aren't we?" You laughed, moving on. You spotted said curly-haired boy amongst his band mates a few yards away, so you slowly inched that way to find them talking to another reporter. "Yeah, she does look stunning. (Y/N) always does," Harry was agreeing with the reporter. "Is that so?" You input. He swung around to see you, his dazzling green eyes widening in surprise as Louis elbowed him with a snicker. "Look who's here!" "So I'm your celebrity crush, huh?" You smiled, your tone lightly teasing. He smiled back, "Yeah, uh, you look amazing." "Thanks, you're pretty dashing yourself, Styles. Want to pick up dinner after this?" Harry's smile widened, "Definitely."


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