Unintentionally Bared

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Stepping outside, my blue eyes lock with his smoldering ones. Inhaling deeply, my lungs burn as the December air of New York City suffocates me. Like every time before, Isaac Sanchez steals my breath away. He leans away from his slick black car and confidently strolls towards me. His eyes are intrusive, taking in every inch of my appearance. I spun around for him, so he could fully enjoy me in my black silk halter dress. When I turned back around, his eyes burned full of lust and unconditional love for me.

"Absolutely stunning," His warm, minty breath fans across my face and I slowly lean my head back, anticipating his soft lips against mine. My heart thuds painfully in my chest as he closes the distance between us. His sinful mouth slowly coaxed my lips open, his tongue eager to taste mine. Isaac devoured me, turning me into a whimpering mess in the middle of the side walk as his tongue massaged with mine. Once he had his fill, he slowly pulled away from me, leaving me cold once more.

"Ready?" He asks placing his hand in mine. Nodding my head at him, I walk with him to the curb. Without releasing my hand, he opens the passenger seat of his newly found Mercedes Benz E300 4Matic and I slide in. As soon as the door shuts, the musky smell of Isaac surrounds me, and I smile.

"My father is ecstatic to finally meet you." Isaac says once inside the car. I nervously chuckle, unable to contain my nerves. I buckle my seatbelt and fidgeted with my engagement ring. It sat heavily between my pinky and middle finger, sparkling against the moon light as Isaac drove through the city's traffic. I stare out the window, admiring the lights of the city whirl past as the snow falls heavily to the ground. I was on edge, hoping that his parents were as easygoing and charismatic as Isaac. I glace to my left and admire my husband-to-be. His soft back hair is freshly buzzed around the edges as his silky curls fall loosely at the top of his head. My eyes venture lower to admire his sculptured face. Almost a year together and his brown eyes still charm me, pulling me in, demanding my attention. His jaw is sharp and defined, cleanly shaven, no doubt to impress his father, who also happens to be his boss. Isaac looked edible in his tailored fitted black slacks and white dress shirt. His clothes hugged every inch of his defined muscles, brining out the nymphomania in me. I so was lost in my thoughts of Isaac that I didn't even realize we were now traveling on gravel. I glanced out the tinted windows as we pulled around his fathers' horseshoe driveway. My mouth drops open as I take in the most extravagance home I've ever laid eyes on. His fathers' home was nothing short of a castle, three stories high made of remarkable black and white stones. I couldn't imagine growing up in such luxury. Taking a deep breath, I glance towards Isaac and he smiles.

"Don't be nervous." He says placing a gentle kiss against my forehead. My heart warmed for him and I relaxed against his touch.

Isaac opened the drivers side door and walked over to my side of the car, opening the door for me. Since the moment I met Isaac, he's always been a gentleman, full of chivalry, it was one of the many traits that bounded us together. Holding his hand out for me to take, I exit the vehicle and walk towards the front door of his childhood home. With each step I take makes my body feel more anxious, tense.

"Relax," he breaths in my ear as we reach the top step.

Before Isaac could knock, the front door opens. The most divine man I've ever laid eyes on comes into view and my breath catches in my throat. I couldn't stop my eyes from appreciating him. He looked like an older, more defined version of Isaac and I was enchanted. He was dressed in a similar attire, wearing black slacks but with a burgundy button down instead. His body was muscular, fully capable of sweeping me off my feet. The clearing of a throat jolted me out of my trance and I involuntarily blushed. I glanced upwards into a pair of beautiful brown eyes with a set of plump lips smiling at me.

"Jessica, this is my father, Alexander." 

Unintentionally Bared, now called Wicked, is edited and now available on Amazon Kindle.

Link in bio. 

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