Please Be Alright

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The sun was high as the limousine cruised down the highway, precariously close to the railway, not that anyone minded. The car was alive with chatter from all the hosts excitedly talking about the upcoming beach day. They were all dressed in loose shirts, casual button ups, and shorts. Haruhi was in a big t-shirt against Tamaki's requests, and I was in my swimsuit, covered up by a blue and white pinstriped slip dress. I chose the seat closest to the window, farthest from the twins, but most importantly by Haruhi.

Amidst all the conversation, I brought up the one thing on my mind since we departed from the front gates. "Can someone remind me again why we're at the beach?" I looked over at Kyoya who I knew would give me an actual answer. "You brought a sick child to a beach. Nice going, genius."

He glanced at me and only smirked, going back to writing in his notebook. "Not my fault. The twins twisted Haruhi's words from the other day," he explained. I unconsciously cringed at the words, shuffling more into the car's side.

Frowning, I kept my gaze onto the passing scenery. "Jeez, I miss a few days of school and I wind up here. What even happened at your undeveloped hole of death? I mean, resort." I tried to smile, really, but it was weak and so was my sarcastic comment.


I let him be. The conversations started up again, talk of summer vacation coming up and where they would go. Everyone had midterms to take still, but their families all had their plans set. The talk didn't concern me, though, I had worse things to consider.

After Kaoru hung up on my call, I took it to heart despite the front I tried to put up. It hurt. The silent treatment always stung more than shouting matches – it was the salt being rubbed into the wound. Because of that, I decided to call the school and say I'd be working the next few days. I asked Haruhi to pick up my classwork and homework, and I worked on designs with my mom.; She gave me funny looks once in a while, but never brought up the incident. I only told her what happened the day after and kept quiet the rest of the week. I think she innately knew it had to be the twins, either that or she kept gossiping with Mrs. Hitachiin behind my back. Regardless, I had thrown myself into designing, more sure than ever that I would debut before I went to college to secure a future in fashion. Phone call or not, I would still focus on my family at school, at home, and most of all, my goals.

While I was deep in thought, the limousine came to a stop beside a large white house. Tamaki had told me it belonged to the creepy dude with the cat, but beyond that I didn't bother asking.

The whole club hustled out of the cramped car, eager to spend time in the sun relaxing. Kyoya, though, managed to derail that plan. I found joy in the twins irritated faces when they noticed the guests Kyoya arranged to come as well. It was awful; people are allowed to be awful sometimes. Hikaru was the one I tried to avoid the most. Ever since that text he sent, my blood boiled. I knew it was more because of my own anger at myself and my inability to communicate, but I couldn't help it. He called the second day I missed, his voice full of concern instead of arrogance, and while I appreciated the sentiment, I quickly wrote him off just like the other hosts.

I was the biggest downer in the club at the moment and was effectively avoiding too much contact to not kill Tamaki's mood and morale, that is until Haruhi was ordered to drag me out of bed today and forced into swimwear. My mom was the happiest of all, happy to have me interacting with someone other than Haruhi or my family. I begrudgingly agreed. At the end of the day, I had to get it over with at some point. Maybe something good came out of this day off.

The guests flocked the hosts or watched from a distance, ogling them all and having a good time amongst each other as well. What struck me as odd was seeing Sora among the usual customers. Giving Kyoya the side eye, I figured this was his doing. And even moody, I knew how to appreciate a friend's gift.

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