"Wh - What makes you think that?" Mr. Smee stuttered.

"Because, Mr. Smee, back when I was Jax and looked up to that demon, he told me a story about a boy. His first born. The little git told me he wanted to reunite his children one day. Then 'Jax' decided to be nosy and look inside the safe because every year he would take something out. Got in trouble for it."

"The point, Cassie," Papa interrupted. "Like you said, Belle should arrive at the library in an hour."

I sighed. "It was a shawl. Bae's shawl. I need you to get it."


And so he did. I had Papa's scope and looked from across the building roof top. I love Mr. Smee, but he can be a plonker at times.

Papa stood behind me. "How's he doing?"

Mr. Smee continued trashing the place before he grabbed the shawl. He looked towards the window before smiling and waving the shawl around.

"It's Mr. Smee. What do you think?" I responded.

Papa sighed as he took the scope from me. "Looks like he's got company. The Crocodile is coming towards the shop as we speak."

A small smirk came to my face. "Good."

Then Papa laughed. "Something tells me he doesn't like our surprise." He kept looking. "He's taking some kind of device out."

"What kind of -" I was cut off when my phone rang. I pulled it out to see Rumple calling. "You've got to be bloody kidding me."

Papa looked at my phone confusingly. "What is that?"

I sighed. "It's a device that let's you talk to people when their not here." My phone kept ranging. He's not going to stop till I pick up. So, I did. "Hello."

"Little Raven," the Crocodile greeted.

"What do you want?"

"I need to know where you are right now?" Papa raised his eyebrow at his urgency. I placed my finger over my lips to tell him to be quiet.

"I'm home," I said.

"Has anyone tried to contact you?" I looked towards Papa. You could say something like that.

"No." I could have sworn he let out a breath of relief. "Have you just called to annoy the hell out of me?" Papa smirked at my comment.

"Listen to me, Little Raven. I want you to lock your doors. If anyone knocks, don't answer it. I'll be over shortly."

"You don't even know where I live," I commented.

"I have my resources," he finished before hanging up. Gee, stalker much.

"For a minute, he actually sounds concerned," Papa said. "Probably knew I'd come after you after I went after Belle."

My hand went towards my sword. "He's a bit late for that." Then Mr. Smee finally joined is on the rooftop.

Papa looked at him. "You have it, Mr. Smee?"

Mr. Smee nodded before handing Papa the shawl. "What is it, Cap'n?"

Papa smirked before grabbing the shawl. "From what Cassie and the cricket told me, it's the end of the Crocodile's hope. Now he's trapped here."

I gave Papa a look. "You didn't hurt Archie, did you?"

"No. I didn't hurt your little friend." Then he started walking off. "He might be a bit scarred though."


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