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"OUTSTANDING" Yuzu said quietly loud when her best friend Harumi did a backflip and perfectly landed on her feet.
"You wanna try?" Harumi asked with a cheeky grin on her face.
"Oh I don't know... I'll probably fail." Yuzu looked down feeling her esteem go down. There's no way she could do a flip as amazing as her best friend.
"I'll teach you" pulling Yuzu up, she held Yuzu's shoulders so she could stand straight and not run away. "All you gotta do is stand up straight then crouch as much as you can then jump while flicking your body back. Make sure your legs are close to your chest. Then when you're staring directly at the ground release and you'll land perfectly!" Harumi looked at her friend with confident eyes while Yuzu looked scared shitless. "You can do it!" And with that Yuzu gave it a try and successfully did a backflip. "I did it! I did it!" Latching on to Harumi jumping with excitement and twisting her around. "Yeah... You did it" Harumi started to grow dizzy from the twisting and collapsed. "Oh my... Harumi are you okay?!" Yuzu shouted.
"I'm fine... Shhh we'll be found if you keep screaming like that." She held her head and got up. "It's getting dark anyway we should probably head back to the village" She said while walking to the direction of it. Yuzu followed until she heard rustling. She stopped and looked behind her but nothing was there. So she shrugged it off and ran after Harumi.

"What a nice scent... I must have you." The stranger said but Yuzu and Harumi were far away to know. "I guess the mud saved me this time."
"What are you talking about Mei? Stop slacking off and let's get back to prac-" Himeko was cut off by Mei saying "I think I've found my mate." Mei said looking at her spar partner. "Niceeeeeee YOU WHAT?!?!"
"Keep it down!!" Mei pulled Himeko into the bushes and covered her mouth to prevent her from screaming more. "Bu Mei hu? (But Mei who?) Himeko asked looking up at Mei. "The girl with the blonde hair. Her scent is nice and her personality seems cheerful. She will bare my kids whether she likes it or not" Mei removed her hands from Himekos mouth. "But what if she's a wolf? You know we vampires cant mate with lowlifes." She looked at Mei with worried eyes. "Then this will be fun." Mei gets up and follows the scent all the way to the secret village where Yuzu and Harumi live. Mei covered her nose quickly for the smell of wolves was all over. She took cover behind a building on time to find Yuzu and watch her walk into a bakery. Mei's stomach started to rumble. To Mei, Yuzu wasn't the only one that smelled tasty.

"AYEEEEEYEYEYEYEEE ME CRAZY JOE FOUND YE STALKER! ME MUST SEND AWAY! AWAY WITH YOU LASSEY!!" Mei turned around to see a man with a cane,  dirty and had on ripped clothes, he had several bumps on his face and a big nose. She ran back to Himeko who was waiting by the horses then climbed up on hers while Himeko did the same. They rode back to the castle. "What happened?! Why are we going so fast?!" Still going, Mei looked back and said "Things are about to get interesting..." with a smirk.

~Heyy this is my first ever fanfic. I hope you guys liked this chapter so far. Tell me any errors I have made grammar wise. Their personalities are supposed to be different. Sorry for the cover. Didn't have some good photos of yuzu and Mei... but that's it until the next chapter see ya soon~

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