Chapter Twenty-Five

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Roman's POV

I saw it, if not for a second. His eyes had glazed over and he was still.

I hadn't noticed it until now, how could I be so blind.

This 'Anxiety', his eyes were blue. 

Now, I am not Logan. But if I am correct, we all share the same features, physically. Which means that Anxiety should also have blue eyes.

"Anxiety? Please. Don't do this to me. I know we didn't always agree. But I can't do this anymore. I need full disclosure." I tried to reason with him, but he remained unfazed, eyes still glazed over. But slowly turning brown once more.

"Anxiety?" I questioned, putting a hand on the 'figures' arm. Trying to ground him once more.

He snapped back into realization. His eyes turning blue once more.

"What have I told you about touching me, Princey?" he growled at me, his stare becoming harsh.

I retracted my hand, shrinking back away from him, "I'm sorry. I-I- I, you were just frozen. I thought that it would help-help if I grounded you. I'm sorry." I explained, still moving back as he  advanced on me, anger radiating off him.

Patton's POV

I could feel him. Slowly hurting my boy. Causing me to stress. But I couldn't say anything. He would hurt us all if he did.

A sudden surge of fear and anger hit me all at once. I don't know how much longer I can last, how long until I snap.

"Patton. Are you okay?" Logan's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I opened my mouth, but he interrupted me.

"Do not give me a false sense of security Patton. I am no better emotions than Roman is with understanding that the trait he loves is not our Anxiety. So what I should ask is, Patton, what is wrong?" Logan said, justifying his point as he always did.

I sighed, shaking my head, "I-I can't- I don't want you all to get hurt. I can't-"

Logan grabbed my hands, "Yes you can Patton. If I can try and comprehend any amount of emotions. You can break through this and explain what is wrong. Nothing can be fixed if everyone is left in the dark but you know everything. It is especially not good for Thomas if you, his heart and most of his emotions, can't even explain his own. Thomas' friends are very worried about him. He will never get better if you do not explain something." he said. I could see that the stress and frustration of not knowing much was hurting him. It was breaking one of the strongest people I knew.

I exhaled, hoping that this wasn't the worst mistake of my life. "You know, I've only been like this once before. But I know, that you never knew where. Well-"

Third Person POV


All the other traits stared at Anxiety, different variants of worry between them all.

Anxiety's limbs fell limp and his eyes shot open, darting around, looking for any signs of the disheveled prince like trait. His eyes landed on Lani.

Lani moved back, frightened by the stare of the anxious trait.

"Roman." Anxiety stated simply before falling to the ground, breathing slowly and steadily.

The other traits glanced at each other, before all of their gazes landed on the timid trait.

"What? I had no part in Decan's master scheme. I stayed as far away from him as possible. Same as Lily.  I have no interest in the light world, I much prefer it here." Lani stated, glancing at the ground, making small swirls with his feet in the dirt.

"This is useless, Cam just try and contact Logic. See if he'll listen." Deceit stated, becoming steadily frustrated with all of the drama.

Cameron nodded, closing their eyes, taking careful deep breaths.

Missy sat on her heels next to Anxiety, watching him for any sign that he was alright. She didn't want to watch him wither away once more. "Lilith, we have never gotten along. But for the sake of your  brother. Please come and help me out, I'm not good at telling if he's okay." she whispered to herself, placing a hand on Anxiety's shoulder.

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