Chapter Twenty-Two

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Third Person POV

Anxiety looked confused at Stress.

"Lil, I can't just-"

"NO. You don't know what it's been like V. I-I don't fit in anywhere. You were all I had. And then you left too. And now you're back and you're ready to leave as soon as possible. I-I-I can't deal with having to leave my brother again. I can't-I can't-I can't-"Stress sank to her knees, clutching her head.

"Lily. Lil. Can you hear me? Lil, answer me. Please." Anxiety begged, rushing to her aid.

Stess shivered, clutching her ears, sobbing quietly.

Anxiety looked down at his crumpled sister, "Leave her alone." he stated.

"Awe, don't you remember me Virge. I was your best friend." the figure said.

"No. What are you doing to her?" Anxiety asked, placing a hand on Stress.

The figure chuckled, "Oh. The same thing I did to you. The same thing I'm going to do to Aritza if she tries to escape. I'm not an infection as Logan theorised, more of a long time problem that gets through when things get to much, the perfect time for any of us to escape is when the other three sides are at their weakest. You never belonged up there Virgil. To be honest, we're not even sure how you've survived this long up their. Only Patton is to strong for me to take over, but now, with Decan's brilliant skills, he is weakened. Becoming more of a compulsive liar than a pathological one." he said.

"But Patton has never told a lie." Anxiety objected, feeling Lilith stop shivering.

The figure chuckled, "Ah, now that, my dearest friend is a lie in itself. You see, I, being Deceit, am a pathological liar. I lie to gain attributes. I use my lies to manipulate people into believing what I say is true. But your buddy, Morality. He is the physical embodiment of emotion, of course humans are one of the most deceitful races on this planet, so Patton.  A pathological liar, like me. He gains not hurting people's feelings from it though, rather than physical attributes." he said.

"Why should I believe you. You're a liar, no matter what type of liar you are. And you're hurting my sister, so stop it." Anxiety said standing up.

Deceit shook his head, "Poor naive Virgil. Can't you see that neither me, nor you are to blame for anything that's happening. I am not causing what's happening to Aritza willingly. What my power affects is down to how many lies one may have told themselves, as well as others. Why am I automatically being labelled as the bad guy?" he asked, walking over to Stress' side and laying a hand on her.

Almost instantly she uncovered her ear, opening her eyes and looking around, alert.

Anxiety glanced at Deceit, seeing the tears sparkle in the corner of his eyes.

"Virgil. What's he doing here?" Stress asked, looking over at Deceit.

Anxiety smiled a little, "Helping I guess. But tell me Vince. What do you have to gain from helping me?" he asked.

Deceit chuckled, "Nothing really. Maybe what I seek this time isn't a physical attribute. I strive for acceptance. So really, I have nothing to gain as I will not get this reward." Deceit explained, "But I do care about few other traits and Decan is forcing Patton to become someone he's not meant to be, which is my job. So I guess, if we could get Cameron on board. We may be able to defeat, or weaken them enough to force them back here." 

"Why should we trust you?" Stress questioned, now standing next to her brother.

Anxiety put a hand on Stress' shoulder, "Pathological liar. Deceit and Patton are both pathological liars. They tell lies to gain attributes. Decan is a compulsive liar, thus making him have control over Patton. Decan is slowly etching away my friends piece by piece." he says.

"I am aware of this V. Doesn't mean I trust him  anymore than I always have. It will take me a while to accept that you need to be up there, because god forbid if Apathy gets a hold of your spot-"

"Awe, come on Lily. Anthony isn't that bad." Deceit says.

"Shut up, slimy. As I was saying, Thomas' life would be a disaster. But I can't trust Vince. Not after what he's done to me since you've been gone. I would also rather Decan not punish me. So sorry big brother, but I won't stand with you on this shenanigan." Stress said, walking towards the doorway.

"Where are you going?" Anxiety asked.

Stress turned to face him, "Well you're going to need Aritza's help, aren't you?" she questioned, continuing into the room.

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