Chapter Fourteen

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Uknown POV
Darkness, all around me is darkness.
No noise, no movement, just darkness.
I hate it, I can't scream, I can't move. I am paralysed, it's horrible.
The silence is killing me.

Phil's POV
I'm scared, scared to tell Dan how I feel.
What if he rejects me?
I'm pretty sure that he's straight.
So I just cry into his shoulder while he tells me to tell him what's wrong.

"Philly, you can tell me anything. It won't change my view on you." I heard him whisper into my ear.

I smiled and shook my head, "It's so so stupid." I whisper.

"Come on. I'm sure it's not that bad." Dan said, rubbing my back.

I swallow, "I-I-I -"

Dan's POV
I felt bad for forcing Phil to tell me, but I'm so sick of having secrets between us.

"I-I-I Iloveyouheaps." he stuttered and then said something really quickly, I didn't quiet catch it.

"Phil, speak slower." I say calmly.

He stares at me and takes a deep breath, "I love you Dan, there I said it and I know it's stupid and I've been acting like an idiot and i mmmph " I cut him off by connecting our lips.

I could tell he was shocked but he kissed back.

I smiled and pulled away, "It wasn't stupid Philly. I love you, I always have and always will." I say.

He smiles and hugs me.

Patton's POV

I get to Logan's door and knock. I know he didn't hear me because I can hear him pacing.

I opened the door and stood in the doorway.

He didn't notice me and I could hear him mumbling to himself.

"I just- How could I- It was- I'm just-"

I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, he jumped but then relaxed.

"Lo, stop beating yourself up. It was a mistake, everybody makes mistakes." I said.

"But, I am Thomas' Logic. I shouldn't make mistakes. I just-"

"Shh, while that may be true. You are still entitled to make a mistake Lo." I said.

Logan looked at me, "You learnt that word." he said, smiling a little.

I nodded, "Of course Lo, see I made a mistake and learnt from it. It's all a learning curb. Anxiety should be back soon. You also have to remember that Missy probably didn't mean a lot of the things that she said. She is Misleading Compliments after all." I say.

He nods, "But it was a horrible thing that I did and I'll never be able to get her to see me the same. She just-"

I cover his mouth, "Just calm down. Stop talking and take control of your emotions Lo." I say, rubbing his back.

"I'm just scared." Logan said, I felt him shudder.

I frowned and moved back, "Logan, Anxiety will be back. You don't have beat yourself up over making a mistake. We're as close to human as you get and humans make mistakes. Before you state that you are Logic, in dire times, not one thing or person makes rational decisions. So just stop beating yourself up because it hurts me when you do. Anxiety will be fine, Thomas is fine and Missy will forgive you. I'm sure that she was very irrational and if you were to apologise again, she would forgive you. Remember that half of the things she sa-mmphf" I was cut off.

Shocked, that's what I am. Of course I return Logan's action.

He did it, he showed his emotions.

He kissed me....

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