Chapter Seven

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Phil's POV 

I finished my food and cleaned the bowl, watching Dan from the kitchen.

The words he had said, bouncing around in my mind.

Now watching, I could see just how deflated Dan was.

'If only I could tell you.' I thought, watching him sit beside Thomas.

Dan had never been the best person at having a positive look on life but he was always there to support me, and now he's hurt because of me.

Third Person POV

Dan was suprised when Thomas sat straight up, looking around.

"Thomas it's okay, here take this." Dan said, passing him a glass of water.

Thomas nodded in thanks, sculling the glass of water, still looking around the room.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked, worried about Thomas.

"Anx, Anxiety." Thomas said, still looking around.

"Anxiety, he's not here. Is he?" Dan asked, looking around.

"He means Anxiety Attack Bear." Phil said, walking over with another glass of water.

Thomas shook his head no, leaving Dan and Phil confused.

~In the Mindscape~
The lights flickered on in the hallway.

"Thomas is up then I guess." Roman said, smiling down at Patton.

Patton nodded, rubbing his eyes, "Maybe we should go-"

He was cut off by a tremor that caught the pair off guard, knocking them to the ground.

"What was that?" Missy asked, appearing, an angry tone still in her voice.

"Just a tremor, Thomas is still suffering from his anxiety attack." Logan explained, emerging from his door.

"But why?" Missy asked, looking confused.

"Something must be making him stress." Logan said.

"But, that makes no sense, Anxiety was in his room last time I saw him." Roman said, glancing at Missy.

Missy's eyes widened, "Quick guys, come on. I can't leave the mindscape, we have to go help Anx, come on." she said, her mind racing a million miles an hour.

"Woah Kiddo, slow down and take some deep breaths." Patton said, putting a hand on Missy's shoulder.

Missy went to open her mouth but Logan beat her.

"Anxiety is up there, now how severe the attack was is logical. Anxiety was up there, usually the attacks only last a few minutes because Anxiety is in his room and only little bursts of anxiety can get through. But up there, there's nothing to stop how Anxiety feels getting straight to Thomas, for the tremors-"

Another tremor went through the mindscape, causing the traits to fall to the ground.

Logan stood back up, readjusting his glasses, "As I was saying, for the tremors to be this bad, Anxiety must still be having an attack up there." he said.

Thomas' POV
I looked around the room, looking for the blonde hair.

I noticed Phil crouched on the floor beside the lounge, looking at the ground.

That's when I noticed the black clothing.

"Dan, she's still not breathing." I heard Phil say, the fear evident in his voice.

"Don't w-w-worry. He-He's fine." I stutter out, trying to stand up.

Dan shook his head, gently guiding me back down, "He?" he asked, looking back over at a very anxious Phil.

"M-Me-Meet Anxiety." I stutter out, pointing at Anxiety.

Phil looked down at Anxiety.

"Hello Kiddos." Patton greeted, walking over to Phil.

Phil stood up and stepped back.

Patton tried to pick Anxiety up, almost succeeding, but not quite.

"Roman, I could use some assistance." Patton called.

Roman popped up, "I told you not to call me if this happened, I do not like him. Why didn't you call Logan instead?" he whined.

"Enough of your complaining, come and help me!" Patton said in a stern voice.

Everyone stood there with shocked faces.

"What?" Patton asked.

Roman just nodded, walking over and helping Patton take Anxiety back to the mindscape.

"I didn't know that Patton could be that stern." Phil said.

"Neither did I." Thomas said.

"Everyone can be, he just chooses not to be. Now what's up with Amxiety?" Dan said.

"That we can't figure out." Thomas said.

"Was he trying to explain what was happening when I came down the stairs?" Dan asked biting his lips.

"Yeah, but he hadn't been very far into explaining it. He could sense you, I guess." Thomas said, shrugging.

~In the Mindscape~
-About an hour later-
Anxiety's POV
I hear voices, they sound like a buzz at first, but then my ears start to pick up certain tones and I can tell who's voice is who's.

I don't worry much that I still can't see, my sight is usually the last thing to come back when they happen.

"But it's never lasted this long." I could make out a more feminine voice.


"The fact of him being up with Thomas when it happened would've amplified the possibility of his attack lasting for a substantially longer amount of time. So it is completely logical that he is taking longer to come to his senses."

Obviously Logan

"What does it matter? Let's get somethings done while he's down."

Definitely Princey

"Roman, that is not true. Anxiety matters just as much as all of us. He may not be the brightest ray of sunshine but he stops Thomas from doing stupid things. Remember, the brightest rays of sun, cast the darkest of shadows."

I felt my mouth twitch up ways at Patton's words.

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