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Three boys grabbed me and tied my arms and legs with rope. The leader started yelling to the air. "Come on out Shadow! Come on out and PLAY!" He sounds crazy. I almost said that out loud when a silhouette of a boy came flying down towards us. "What the..." I started. "This is my shadow, he's going to take you for a ride." He announced with an evil grin on his face. He chuckled a little to himself, which was freaking me out, but I made sure I hid my fear. I struggled to break free of the ropes to get away, but it only made the boy laugh harder. "I'm afraid that won't work, I enchanted the ropes, your gonna have to find another way out." He looked very amused, which annoyed me. My anger was building up, he took notice of that and smirked. "We'll see you in Neverland, girl!" And with that, his 'shadow' grabbed my wrists and took me into the air with him.
I tried to break free, but it was no use. This 'shadow' had too tight of a grip. I sighed in defeat. "So where are we REALLY going?" I said with a bored tone. He took a while to answer, in fact, for a few minutes, I didn't think he could speak at all. But then he finally answered, "To Neverland." was all he said. So in other words, he isn't going to tell me where he's taking me. I have a feeling this is gonna be a long ride.

An: sorry the chapters are short so far, but the will get longer, don't worry. Hope you enjoy it so far, but trust me, it will get better

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