More Than Enough

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Pan's POV:

The boys came back to camp with quite a trophy. All of them struggled to haul the gigantic bear around trees, over logs, away from tents and into the center of the camp.
The other Lost Boys and Max stopped their sword play and gawked at the massive beast. Bella came out of her tent briefly, and then dropped her jaw and widened her eyes at the sight of the dead creature.
The boys dropped the beast with a loud "Thud." Mason stalked over to me, and a few eyes followed him.
"Pan, umm... How exactly are we supposed to cook this? It's too massive to be dangled over a fire..." He wondered.
"Who decided you had to cook the whole thing in one piece?" I hinted, cocking an eyebrow. Mason's eyes widened in realization. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it, nodded his thanks to me and walked back to the beast.

The boys had to make three new temporary fire places in order to cook the whole bear. While they cooked, I walked over to Max.
"Come take a walk with me." I suggested, tilting my head toward the forest.
She looked at me, curiosity flooded in her eyes. "Okay," She spoke with caution and began walking beside me into the forest.

Once we were far enough away from camp and all the Lost Boys, I commenced my speech to inform her of a few rules that I had made. Rules that everyone on my island must obey.

"Are you in the mood for a story?" I asked.
"The story of why you're making an army?" She asked dryly. I almost forgot that I still had to tell her that story...
"No, a different story." I answered.
"Sure, go ahead." She said while staring off into the distance.

"A long time ago, back when I was new to this island, I got lonely, so I brought a group of boys to be my new acquaintances." I never considered them 'friends' because I knew I would out last them, so I tried not to grow attached.
"One day, a boy named Evan told me of a friend he had before he came to Neverland that he missed dearly. He asked if I could bring her to the island, and at first I said no, but I could tell he truly missed his friend. The next day he was so surprised to see that I brought her here, and he gave me lots of praise and thanks."

I remembered everything about the story as if it were only yesterday. The pale, blonde color of her hair, the sand and dirt that was almost always in his thick brown hair. The way you could tell they connected, in their early days atleast.It had been quite a long time since I relived this story, but here I am, doing it again.

"But they spent every waking moment together, and Lily constantly distracted Evan of his duties as a Lost Boy. A few of the other Lost Boys were becoming distracted as well, some with jealousy, some with day dreams about having their own version of Lily."
"You didn't.." Max interrupted.
"I had to, she was turning my boys away from me. Lily knew she was getting a lot of attention, in fact, she wanted more. At night, when Evan was asleep, she'd sneak off to another boys' tent, and return to Evan's tent in the morning. She attempted to do the same little stunt with me..." I muttered the last part.
"And that's when you killed her." Max stated, it wasn't even a question.
"Yes," I answered anyway.
"Why are you telling me this?" She asked, finally looking at me.

"Because that's when I decided not to have anymore girls on my island. Of course, I do now, so I've made a few.. adjustments." I told her.
"What adjustments?" She questioned.
"There's no dating, romance, one night stands.." I began rhyming off before she cut me off.
"Okay, I get it. No need to get into details. No dating, got it. Is that all you wanted to tell me?"
"For now.." I played.
"Alright, next time, can you just get to the point and not tell me weird or sad stories from your past?" I chuckled at her reaction.
"Do you still want to hear the story explaining why I'm building an army?" I cocked an eyebrow.
"Do I still have to fight?" She asked bitterly.
"Of course!" I scoffed.
"Than yeah, tell me that one later. I've had more than enough of you and your past for now." She sighed and began to head back to camp. I couldn't help but smile as I trailed behind her.

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Jake's POV:

There was plenty of bear to go around, more than enough. The amount of bear we had left over was enough for 3 days at least. I was a little disappointed when Max went to bed early, mainly because she missed the celebration. I attempted to convince her to stay out but she just grumbled her way into Pan's cabin. At least she wasn't trying to sleep in a tree again.

And speaking of sleep, I didn't get one wink of it again that night. I stayed up all night trying to think of the right way to ask Max to be mine. It couldn't be that hard, seeing as I'm pretty sure she likes me too.
I finally decided what I was going to say as the sun began to rise, and I told myself that today would be the day that Max became my girlfriend.

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