We Can Escape.

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Max's POV:

The men all around us were chanting and cheering me on. But not like a friendly "Girl power!" chant, it was more like the were egging me on.
"Don't give up now, girly. Let's see some skin!" One muscular, buff man yelled.
"You can hit her harder than that!" A grey bearded, beer bellied, one eyed man encouraged the whipper.
Another slash hit me right on the side of my calf. It took everything I had not to agonize in pain. Screaming, falling, or shedding a tear are signs of weakness they won't ever gain the pleasure of witnessing me do.

A third slices into my left shoulder, but they won't see me fall. I murmured a growl at the pain. My jaw was clenched tight.
This was all going so fast, my head was aching, every whip burned more than the last.
A man with a black, scruffy mustache who was silently watching me began to shove threw the crowd to get closer to me. But he wasn't looking for the front row view; he put a strong, hairy hand on my stomach and shoved me back until I slammed into the large wooden pole behind me.
The one where Pan used to be. I didn't notice anyone untie him from the pole but he wasn't here now.
The man had a tough grip applied to my shoulders and swiftly turned me around to face the pole. My one shoulder stung because his rough fingers brushed over the slice that the man with the whip gave me. His finger ceased moving and my shoulders began to feel a ton of pressure. The man with the black scruffy mustache was shoving me towards the deck. My knees finally gave in and I knelt in front of the pole.
Some pirate in the front of the crowd tossed the hairy pirate beside me a role of rope.
"No need boys!" The captain piped up. "She said that she 'didn't even need to be tied.' Let's see how long she lasts." The amused captain spoke with a wicked grin.
Pan sat limp on the opposite side of the wooden pole. He was looking down as he leaned on his side against the side of the ship.
'Focus on him.' My mind told me. I kept looking, waiting for him to move, to look up, something. He was as still as a statue.
Another whip, this one was aimed at my back. 'Focus on Pan.' My mind spoke again.
"Pan?" I whispered.
His head moved slightly, but his eyes still aimed at the deck.
"I can't save you." He spoke clearly, but with a slight anger in his tone.
"Tell me what to do, Pan. I'll get us out.." I began.
Another whip stung my back.
"Make a generically intelligent choice." he mumbled.
What does that mean? What do I do? I searched my mind for an answer.
The whips became more distracting than painful. Wait, that's what he was aiming for! He gave me a puzzle to distract me so I wouldn't notice the pain!
Make a generically intelligent choice.
Make A Generically Intelligent Choice.
But I thought...
A whip struck me in the back. I stood up.
"Finally had enough?" The captain mocked.
I smirked. I can do this. I walked across the ship to the captain.
"Don't take this personally," I stated sympathetically.
"But someone had to lend a helping hand." I reached for his back and felt something strange. I pulled as an object as black as night came out of the captain. He fell limp on the floor, dead. I ran to Pan and gave him the captain's shadow. He was lifted up into the air and within moments they disappeared.
"Any other volunteers?" I smirked.
The men all ran, some got knocked off the ship, others jumped. One ran toward me with a sword and I knocked him flat on the ground. I ripped the shadow right out of him and flew up into the sky. The ship went one way and we went the other.
It took a while to find land, but once it was finally in sight, the shadow gently dropped me off and flew up and away.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Mason's POV:

I sat in the trees, waiting for them to come back. But I knew they wouldn't. And of course, I don't have a bean to teleport me back to the island! Pan made sure of that, in fact, I bet he planned it.
Max fell for it of course, just forgetting about my existence, that's all she did. No big deal. I mean what should I expect, she was the new, shiny toy on the island. She wouldn't care about the rest of us. She already got everyone's attention and all, why should she care who's missing.
And to think I liked her! Shameful. Disgraceful! Insane!
And... She's right there. Strutting towards me like nothing's wrong. She only forgot about me for a few hours, that's all.
Well princess, expect no forgiveness from me. I'm done, in fact, I'm ignoring you right now. Not even gonna make eye contact!

"You ready to go?" She asked cheerfully.
Oh yeah, she's my ride.
"Where's your boyfriend? Did he get sick of you already?" I snorted.
"Alright Mr. Grumpy Pants. Get up, let's go." She held out a hand for me to grab. I swatted it away and stood up on my own.
I began to glare at her, ignoring my 'no eye contact rule', until I saw a cut on her cheek. There were a few more scattered on her.
"What did he do?" I questioned aggressively.
She laughed. "Nothing. Let's go."
"Nothing?" I asked with disbelief.
"Did he try to do anything to prevent that from happening?" I asked.
"This seems like a good spot. Back to Neverland!" She said, ignoring the question.
"Hold up!" I yelled.
She gave me a blank look.
I smirked. "You know, that bean could take you anywhere you think of."
She shot me a confused look.
"You could go home, if you want." I tempted her.
"What about you? And Pan? He needs our help. And the Lost Boys!" She asked.
"It's your choice." I said while slipping my hand into hers.
"We can escape."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry that the updates are coming so slow... But I'm working on it! Anyways, just to clear something up, the reason Max didn't use the bean to get away from the pirates is because she thought it would only take her to Neverland, and she didn't want to leave Mason behind.
Also, Mason is trying not to like Max so he thinks it would be easier to hate her. That's why he seemed so grumpy, also because he thought they ditched him. Also, the pirates gave Max the rum, and they were still in a land with magic, so that's why her magic worked.
I hope that clears things up a bit! Until next update.

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