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Third Person POV:

Max had woken from her peaceful slumber on an unfamiliar bed. The pillows she laid her head on slouched against a wooden frame. The frame matched the oakwood legs that held the bed roughly 2 inches above the ground.
She straightened her back and sat up in the comfortable, unknown bed.

Around her were wooden walls that looked golden in the light that came threw the small windows each side of the room had.
The room was fairly bare, there was a wooden bedside table to her left, made of a darker, chocolatey brown colored wood, that matched the window frames, the baseboards, and the frame around the door.
The fairly large desk that stood in the back corner of the cabin matched the chocolatey brown wood, but it wasn't noticeable because of all the papers and maps that cluttered the desk.

At the desk, a boy sat facing her, smirking in her direction.
"Good morning, welcome to the land of the living!" The familiar british boy spoke with a hint of sarcasm.
Max stretched her arms into the air while dramatically yawning. When she finished, she pulled the knitted, dark green blanket off her lap and stood up beside the bed.
"Oh, so that's where I am!" She exclaimed sarcastically. "You know, it's weird, but I thought I fell asleep in a tree last night." She faked being puzzled at this thought.
"You did my dear, until I saved you from the cold, dark night and took you in." Pan played along.
"My hero!" Max dramatically placed he hand on her forehead and glanced out the window closest to Pan.

Pan's smirk grew.
"I believe I also retrieved an item of yours.." His finger held out towards her, holding up a red and black checkered shirt. Max instantly recognized it and remembered lending it to Bella.
"How kind of you!" Max spoke as she danced toward Pan to receive her beloved shirt.
Once she slipped into her loose fitting button up shirt, she curtsied to Pan and nodded her head.

"What ever shall I do with you?" Pan mused while watching her with interest.
Max smiled. "You could make me breakfast?" She suggested while rubbing her stomach.

Pan stood and held his arm out for her to hold onto. "Shall we?" He encouraged.
"Oh, but I'm already waiting out side of the cabin for you." She played before darting out to the cabin door, only to bump into Pans chest.
She broke character and got up.
"That's not fair." She complained.

He smirked, ignoring her remark.
"Your food awaits," He said as his final line in character and stepped out of her way so she could see all the lost boys sitting around the camp eating muffin-sized loafs of bread.
As she wondered closer to the centre of camp, Jake came into her view and offered her a mini loaf of bread.

"Thanks." She replied once he handed it to her.
"Don't mention it," He winked at her while gently nudging her arm with his elbow.
Max bit into the muffin-sized bread, getting a few crumbs on her face in the process.
"Let me get that for you," Jake smiled while wiping some crumbs off her cheek with his thumb.
For some reason, Pan felt the need to compete in this little activity and said,
"Let me try some." and then bit into Max's muffin while it was in her mouth, his top lip brushing her cheek.
Jake was steaming with jealousy.

"Jake, you could have just told me I had crumbs on my face, and I would have brushed them off. And Pan, If you wanted some, you could have gotten your own." Max said sternly without raising her voice. She was more annoyed than angry at that moment.
Pan chuckled with amusement.
"Seriously! You aren't mad at him?" Jake yelled, pointed at Pan, who only laughed harder.
Max's expressions were blank, unsure of what to think about this situation.

Before Max could put any thoughts together, Mason welcomed himself into their little group. Pan's cackling slowed as Mason approached him.
"Pan, the boys were wondering if we could take the day off and go to the Lagoon." Mason confidently offered.

Pan's expression was unreadable, it wasn't even noticeable that he had just been laughing about 5 seconds ago.
Then all of a sudden, a smirk creeped slowly on his face.
"The Lagoon is an excellent idea." Pan agreed.
"Boys!" Pan hollered. "To the Lagoon!" He announced with a wicked grin plastered on his face.
The boys cheered and within minutes, they all had towels resting on their bare shoulders and had put on their swimming trunks.
Max stood awkwardly in the middle of the camp, keeping an eye out for Bella, to see if she might have an extra bathing suit.
Pan came up behind her, still wearing his usual outfit, but tossing a towel on her shoulder, matching the white towel he placed on his shoulder.
"Let's go, c'mon." Pan said while gently placing his hand on her upper back to guide her in the direction that all the boys were heading.
"Um.. Pan? I.. umm.." She struggled for the right words.
"Don't have a swim suit?" He assumed. The evil smile he had on his face made Max worry that she wasn't going to like Pan's idea.
"Yeah.." She said awkwardly.
"Already taken care of." Pan smirked proudly.
Max was puzzled, but kept walking to the Lagoon, Pan still guiding her.

Once they arrived at the beautiful Lagoon, Pan handed Max a large, thick brown t-shirt with some jean shorts.
"Thanks," she said before rushing off behind a bush to get changed. The shorts were uncomfortably loose before they cut off, so Max rolled them up slightly so the tip of her middle finger was just long enough to touch her skin when her arms were straight down at her sides.
She came out from behind the bush in her bare feet and walked along the beach, getting sand between her toes.
All of the boys were splashing around in the water, including Pan. Max stood ankle deep in the cool, clear water, when Jake came towards her, his hair was dripping as he jogged her way.
"Hey, isn't the Lagoon perfect!" Jake said, adoring the water.
"Yeah," she agreed and stepped into the water until someone pushed her over. She was now completely soaked, head to toe.
Her head poked out of the water, and she had trouble seeing who pushed her because she was laughing to hard.

Sure enough it was Pan who had pushed her in the cold water, so she splashed him with a large wave of water. This began a water war between them, and the Lost Boys joined in he battle.
By the time they came out of the water, it was almost sunset. The days seemed to zip by in Neverland.

The boys were scattered along the beach, searching for their towels. Pan, Jake, Mason and Max's towels were all hiding near the forest line. The boys began changing into their regular out fits, so Max went behind the shrub to find her clothes laying where she had left them.
Pan was the first to finish changing, so he began to head back to camp when he saw Max, who finished changing, and was tying her black converse high tops.
"Almost done Max?" He asked.
She nodded, and once she finished tying her laces, she stalked towards camp with Pan following close behind.

When they arrived, they saw Bella crying on a log by the empty fire pit. Once she heard them, she ran towards them with her arms wide open for a hug. Max was about to stop her, but Bella pushed past her and welcomed Pan into her arms. Pan stiffened a little, which made Max chuckle.
"Where were you? I looked for you everywhere!" Bella yelled in Pan's shirt.
"Swimming in the Lagoon." Pan answered blankly while pushing Bella away from him.
"Not a big fan of hugs, huh?" Max joked once he walked away from Bella and towards her.
He smiled sheepishly, but didn't answer verbally.

After the boys built the camp fire, ate supper and headed to their tents, Max got off the log she was sitting on and moved to another log; the log Pan sat at.
He smirked at her presence.
"Pan.. um," She started awkwardly. Pans smile dropped into a blank expression.
"Why did you bring me here?" She asked. He sighed, so Max clarified. "To the island I mean.."
Pan broke eye contact with her and gazed into the blazing fire. His shoulders were tense and his hands were folded, leaning on his lap.

After a minute of his silence, Max began to think he didn't want to answer, so she began to stand up when Pan's hand shot out, grabbing her wrist and he sighed again.
"Max, wait."


Authors Note:

Dear readers, I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. If you have any suggestions on what you would like me to add, fix, explain, if you have any predictions, or if you have any comments, good or bad, feel free to let me know.
I'd love to hear your opinions or suggestion, because I believe that there is always room for improvement.

Thanks so much for reading my fanfic of OUAT, I will try to update soon! Feel free to comment, or you have the option to not comment, totally fine by me 😊
Have an amazing night, and never grow up! 😜

Here He Comes (ouat)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora