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Pan's POV:

The audience was in pure shock. I gave Max a satisfied smile, and she just stared at me with a blank expression on her face. She dropped Larry's wrist and walked through the audience toward Jake, who tried to sneak into the crowd without me noticing before Max's first fight against me.

He finds Max interesting, and does a horrible job at trying to hide it. It's disgusting. Neverland isn't a place for match-making, its a place for fighting and being free from adults. It's a place for never growing old or a place where you don't have to worry about taxes and getting a job or having children. Neverland is a place for imagination.

Mason distracted me from my train of thought by stalking over to me, but consistently keeping his eye on Max and Jake. "What do you think about those two?" Mason asked still eyeing over his shoulder at them with furrowed eyebrows. I instantly knew who he was talking about.
"I'm not sure." I lied. "What do you make of their... being together.. ness?" I asked awkwardly, but trying to pretend that I was loosing my focus because I was examining them.
"I'm not sure either.." He lied. "It's a little disgusting, really.." He added, knowing I would be able to see through his fibbing.
"Agreed." I stated simply. He looked up at me. "They're not dating.. are they?" Mason asked cooly, trying to make it as casual as possible. "No but he doesn't stop flirting." I spat coldly.

Max began laughing at something Jake had said. Again.

"Do you think they will get together?" Mason asked slightly concerned.
"No. For many reasons, they wont." I stated with what sounded like a touch of jealousy in my cold voice. I don't think he noticed.
"Why's that?" Mason asked curiously. "Because my boys should know better than to give into temptations." I stated blankly.

Mason pondered about that, which gave me more time to think about whether Max would actually date anyone she met on my island.
"What would you do if... Jake asked her out?" Mason asked, but we both knew that we weren't talking about Jake anymore.
"It depends, I would be fairly curious as to what she would say to him.." I said honestly.
"If she said no?" Mason asked, egging me on.
"I'm sure that would be embarrassing enough, but of course, I couldn't help myself to let him go unnoticed. I'd find a way to teach him that dating is not a priority on my island." I smirked at the crewel ideas that popped into my mind as I said that.

"And... If she said yes?" He asked, too scared to look into my eyes as I thought about what he said.
"I guess we'll just have to find out. He's going to ask her out soon. I'd rather not miss this." I stated looking away as I noticed Max glancing in my direction.
When I turned my head back to peer at Max and Jakes little moment, Max was looking right at me. I stared at her from half way across the camp, still leaning on one of the trees as I had been since Max and Larry's fight.

Neither of us looked away. She mumbled something to Jake without braking eye contact with me and walked away from him. Towards me.

"Mason, you should talk to Jake." I stated simply. He saw Max and his look of fear washed off instantly and turned into slight anger, but without a word he was off chasing Jake.

Max was soon arms length away from me. I smiled. I had a feeling she was going to ask why I was staring at her so I decided to spark up a better conversation.
"That was very sports-man like of you, to announce your defeat." I mentioned, with a hint of mockery in my voice.
"You're surprised." It wasn't a question. "I'm impressed." I admitted, curious as to what she'd think of that.
She tilted her head in wonder, but then straightened with a wide grin on her face.
"I'm glad." She stated simply. She was going to move on to the next topic now, but I'd thought of something quick to say for when she asks me why I was staring at her.
She sighed. "Were those always the rules? Or were you just curious as to what my reaction would be?" She said surprising me.
I thought for a moment, but than regained my cocky smirk. "Both" I whispered as I raised my eyebrows.

Max nodded, as if wondering what to say next. I decided to bring up a slight issue that was happening on my island.
"What do you make of Jake?" I asked casually. She looked up at me in surprise.
"Seriously? Thats why you and Mason were staring at me? To update each other on the latest gossip?" She asked almost laughing.
"Don't assume, Max." Was all I could think to say.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Just out of plain curiosity... What do you think of him?" I asked with interest.

She smirked. Jake and Mason were on there way back. "I guess we'll just have to find out, now won't we?" And she stalked off away from all three of us together.

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