Casual Cleaning

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Granny's POV:

Those new kids better pay back the kind doctor that lent them all that money. He's a kind soul. They better pay rent too, none of this lateness that most kids seem to think is cool.

The stairs began creaking ever so slightly and I knew it was someone coming down the stairs.
A young girl brushed back some wavy strands of greasy, brownish blond hair. She better clean herself up before she even considers leaving.
"Hi, I would like to introduce myself, but I cannot unfortunately. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for not kicking us out. We had an extremely confusing day yesterday, and we really appreciate the place we stayed in." She sweetly smiled in appreciation.
"Don't thank me, thank doctor Whale, he convinced me to let you in and paid for you." I huffed and began wiping my glasses.

She nodded and then stood there for a minute until I spoke up.
"Can I help you?" I spat bitterly.
"Well I was thinking about how to pay back doc, do you know of any jobs that might need an extra employee?" She offered hopefully.

Haven't I helped this girl enough? She still continuously asks for more and more of everyone around her.
"I think every job in town has all the employees they need." I glared at her.
"Oh, umm... okay then. Thanks for saving me some time then." She spoke with a hint of sarcasm. The girl turned around and began walking upstairs.

I can't believe I'm doing this, I really am too nice, but I'm doing this for poor doctor Whale.
"Wait sweetheart." I called after her disappointedly.
She spun around, her hazelly brown eyes grew with hope.
"I might have a few dirty dishes in my diner that could use an extra set of hands to clean them." I muttered.
Her lips perked up into the brightest smile I have ever seen.
"They'll be washed by hand! Efficiently and effectively! Not a spot missed you hear me?" I listed.
"Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She repeated over and over again.
"You start at noon, so get ready, I want you to look cleaner than the dishes your about to clean! There should be soap in your shower." I informed her.
"Yes ma'am! Right away!" She saluted proudly and raced up to her room.

"Please don't make me regret this." I muttered to myself once she left.

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Third Person POV:

Mason was startled when Max opened the door to their apartment, fore he had found a large, red delicious apple in a centerpiece that had been filled with few other various fruits. Mason did not want to share.

Max however threw the door open excitedly and exclaimed.
"I have a job!"
"I will admit, that was a lot quicker then I had imagined." Mason spoke, still startled.
Max squeaked once she shut the door.

"When do ya start?" Mason improvised a distraction to hide his fruit findings.
"Noon, but first I have to shower!" She rushed excitedly. She tore her leather jacket off as she raced toward the bathroom. It wasn't long before Mason heard the click of the lock on the bathroom door as well as water running.

Max excitedly dried off, dressed herself, slipped on her shoes and scampered out the door.
The elder lady stood patiently reading something on the desk in front of her.
"I'm clean Ma'am!" Max flew off the stairs and abruptly stopped in front the desk.
"Never in my years have I seen someone so happy to go to work." The lady muttered to herself.
"First of all, you're dripping everywhere. Sit down here and let me braid your hair." She gestured Max to a waiting bench in the front lobby. As the wrinkled fingers of the old lady smoothed though the young girls wet hair, Max piped up.
"What's second of all?"
"Excuse me?" A hoarse voice growled. "You said 'first of all'... I was wondering if there was a second..." Max spoke cautiously.

"Oh yes!" The lady recalled.
"Your breath smells to high heavens!" She exclaimed and laughed to herself.
Max laughed as well and accepted the gum that was handed to her.

Once Max's hair was tightly french braided, Granny showed her how to get to the diner. She wouldn't admit it, but Max was slowly growing on her.

Granny tossed Max old, yellow gloves. "Wear those, clean that stack," She gestured to the dirty dishes stacking up on one side of the sink.
"Don't forget to dry! And you can place them on this towel." A red torn towel laid beside the sink.
"We don't have too many dishes, its a diner, not a buffet. So of course these won't take too long. You can clean tables and the floors if they start looking dirty." She ordered.
"Yes ma'am." Max agreed.
"Don't touch the cash or the food.. smile, which you shouldn't have a problem with, and that should be it.
You'll be paid minimum wage by the end of the week, if you last that long." She snarked and walked towards the front door and turned the closed sign to say open.
"We're starting very late today so it might be crowded in here later." She warned.
Max happily began washing dishes and keeping an eye out for blondes and young boys. Her ears stayed perked for any mention of the name Henry.

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Mason's POV:

When Max left and my stomach was content with the amount of fruit I ate, I figured I should get some exercise. I began roaming around the streets, stretching my legs as I strolled through town. It was I small town, but new to me, so yes, I got lost. To be fair anyone could have gotten lost in a new place!
However Pan instructed us to try to avoid talking to others in the town, so I just kept walking straight after a few obviously wrong turns.
In attempt to avoid the beach, that's the place I ended up in. It was too soon to get the bag and to long of a walk back for me to carry it and go unnoticed. But it wouldn't be that bad if I just checked to see if it was still there, right?
I casually strolled towards the building that hid our bag and hunched over to 'tie my shoe.' I don't care if it's cheesy, it wasn't that suspicious looking.
Of course it was still there, not an inch from where it was yesterday. I circled around and headed back. When would 'too soon' be over?

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