And I

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Back at Max's house:

Detective Jone's POV:

My partner, Detective Terraria and I welcomed ourselves to take a seat in the Fern's residence. We both set down out coffees on the clear glass table in front of us as the Ferns family sat on the other side of the round table. All but one were present.

"So you noticed her disappearance 2 hours ago?" My partner began to confirm.
"Yes." The father replied.
"Who first noticed she was gone?" I asked. It's part of procedure, we always ask basic questions first to understand the larger details, then we go deeper into the situation, depending on it's complexity.
"Our son, Ronald." Mrs. Ferns confirmed.
"Then what happened?" My partner asked. Terraria usually saw cases as more of a story, rather than a puzzle to solve.
"Then I told my parents. They called some of her friends' parents and I looked around the house a few more times." The boy with brown hair and freckles answered.
"You called all her friends parents? There isn't anyone else you know of that she might have stayed with?" I confirmed.
"Yes." The parents answered in unison.
"Does your child have a record of any other.. disappearances?" Terraria asked.
"No. Max usually does what she's told." Mr. Ferns answered.

"Has anything happened recently to her that might have drove her to the conclusion of..." My partner began to ask.
"No. She was happy with all her friends, she didn't have a boyfriend that might have hurt her or encouraged her to run away. And she seemed perfectly normal when she went to bed. She ate dinner, she wasn't mad at us..." Max's mother interrupted frustratedly.
"So what are you suggesting?" I cut in.
"She didn't run away. She was kidnapped." Max's mother whimpered before she broke out in tears.
"Sweetie, we don't know that." Mr. Ferns reassured her.

"BUT SHE DIDN'T RUN AWAY!!!" Mrs. Ferns yelled.
"Should we stop by at a later time?" I offered, I didn't care for crying.

"Mom stop crying! It won't bring her back. What will bring her back is the detectives that are trying to find her, and right now, you're scaring them off! If you can't handle talking to people then don't, me and Dad will handle this!" Ronald yelled.

"Ron, don't be so harsh to your mother!" Mr. Ferns warned.
"Sweetheart, I think you should go upstairs and calm down, you can come back down when you're ready." He continued.
"Okay." She whispered and swiftly walk upstairs without a sound.

"We have officers in her room currently that will let us know if they see anything that might look like a break in or out. Seeing as we haven't heard word yet, I gather they haven't found anything." My partner assured them.
"What if she was out on a stroll and someone kidnapped her then?" Ron asked.
"Ron, she wouldn't go out at night." Mr. Ferns assured him.
"What if someone threatened her or blackmailed her into..."
"RONALD!! Your sister... well, could that happen?" Mr. Ferns asked with a sudden change of thought.
"It very well could, and it would explain why our officers didn't notice a break in or out. She must have walked out the front or back door. Did you notice either of those doors unlocked this morning?" I asked.
"The front door was unlocked this morning!" Ronald exclaimed.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Mr. Ferns asked.
"I don't know, I guess I didn't think much of it.." The kid answered.
"Does she have a key to the house?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's strange that she didn't lock the doors.." The father answered.
"It's not strange, It means she didn't plan to leave. This was a last minute decision." My partner explained exactly what I was thinking.
"Did you notice any food or money missing?" I asked.
"No." They answered in unison.
"That means she wasn't planning on leaving, or at least, she planned to stay in the city. You don't think she had an acquaintance you don't know about that she could be staying with?" I asked.
"I guess I wouldn't really know." The father replied slowly.
"I understand this might not be the case, but some children feel uncomfortable telling their parents about relationships they're in. Sometime they would ask a close friend or relative or sibling about these things." Terraria offered.

"I don't know of any relationships or acquaintances that we haven't already called, and I see who she hangs out with at school, it's not the smallest group of friends, but not the largest either. Anyways, we called everyone I've ever seen her talk to, no one says they saw her." Ron affirmed.
"Her friends wouldn't have been lying to you.. would they?" My partner offered.
"Would you mind if we came door to door with the people you called earlier? Sometimes people change their mind about which secrets are important to keep once they see the police are involved." I explained further of what I'm sure my partner was thinking.
"Be our guest, I'll make a list." The father agreed.

- - - - - - - - - -

Present Day:

Max's POV:

Pan stood on a short, wide stump as he gathered the Lost Boy's attention.
"Boys, I understand some of you have been creating a new plan for me?" Pan accused. I felt awkward, being the only one who stood beside him as everyone stared at me like I just got them all in trouble.
"Well, first, I'd like an understanding of how many of you agreed with this." He was scaring them into choosing his side.
"Raise your hand, high, if you want to send Max to have all the fun and waste all of the training..." He began before I interrupted.
"Listen to me, I'll admit, fighting is fun, but when do we draw the line between having fun and murdering people that have never done anything to harm us.." I stated my case.
"You are all my brothers, we are all family and Neverland is our home! Are you going to tolerate..." He began.
"They don't have to worry about tolerating anything! I'm offering to do all Pan's dirty work so you don't have to. If anyone would like to have a re-vote to decide who goes in, I'm all for that! I don't want to kill anyone but I will if it saves the lives of all of you and any other innocent people that might get hurt along the way. So I ask you, how many of you want to become murderers if you aren't already?
"How many of you that have killed another remember any shred of guilt that you might have felt?" I asked, almost desperately.
"Alright lads, it's your turn to have a say, waist all your training or spare a few lives and a miss out on a brilliant adventure?"
Oliver raised his hand in the back and as soon as Pan made eye contact with him, he asked his question.
"Can we stay in Neverland with you if we send Max in?" He asked.
Pan smirked.
"Like I said, we are family, Neverland is our home." Pan assured him.
"Then, I vote to send in Max." He said with his hand still raised.
"Me too!" Jake agreed immediately. I know he wasn't really okay with this idea at first, but I'm amazed that he would put that behind him to pick my side.
"So do I!" Some one else yelled. It became a large wave of Lost Boys yelling "And I!"

"I vote no!" Mason yelled from the front of the large group.
"Me too!" Someone else yelled, and again a large wave of "And I!" Had started.
It measured to about 1/3rd of the group wanted to fight while the other 2/3 rds wanted to send me in to fight in their names.
"I believe the people have spoken." Pan said as he grabbed my wrist and raised it into the air. It was odd that he wasn't going to put up much of a fight, I'm starting to think he wanted me to win.
"I will send Max in, as long as one other person goes with her." Pan arranged. He turned me around so the Lost Boys were no longer in my view.

"Who wants to live in the one-bed-room that Max will be staying in?" He offered without my consent. I see why he turned me around.
"Mason, you'll go with Max." Pan announced.
He quickly turned to me with a sly smirk and whispered.
"Don't worry, there'll be a couch."

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