Confused Thoughts

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Jake's POV:

Max returned to camp with Pan trailing not to far behind. He was focused on something in front of him, but it just looked like he was starring into the back of Max's head. I stood up and walked towards her. When I came into Max's view, she turned to walk towards me. Pan kept walking in a straight line away from her.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, trying to sound concerned but ended up sounding sort of amused.
"Yeah, it's fine." She mumbled without even looking at me.
"Okay," I said full of suspicion. "Wanna go for a late night stroll?" I asked cheerfully.
"I kinda just wanna go to sleep." She mumbled. We both shot a glance at the cabin just in time to see Pan enter it. Max sighed. "I'll be in my tree if you need me." She yawned part way through her sentence, so it was hard to understand, but I got the meaning right.
"Do you mind if I helped to escort you?" I asked with hope.
"Alright, you can tag along." She smiled sleepily.

We walked into the forest and found the tree she hadn't slept in for quite a while. She cuddled up to one of the branches and yawned again. "Goodnight Jake." She whispered. I leaned against the trunk of the tree and sat down. "Sweet dreams." I whispered happily.

• • • • • • •

Max's POV:

When I woke up in the morning, the first noise I heard was Jake's snoring. It was a faint noise, but there were no bird chirps to over rule the sound of his snores. I got off the tree branch and tiptoed passed Jake. He looked so peaceful when he dreamt, so I tried not to wake him. I strolled back to camp, the fire dancing brightly in the center of camp. I walked cautiously towards it to see only one person hovering in front of it. It was none other than Pan, of course, and he was making what looked like eggs.

"Where were you last night?" He asked without even looking over his shoulder to see who it was. I guess none of the boys wake up this early in the morning.
"The tree." I mentioned while stepping beside him, in front of the fire.
"With Jake?" He urged.
"Yeah." I breathed.
He raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
"He was walking with me to the to the tree and must have fallen asleep." I explained with a bored tone.

"And what's so wrong with my bed?" He said with a judging look.
"The fact that you were there." I answered in a mumble. He shot me an angry look.
"Don't get so offended Pan, I've spent every waking and sleeping moment with you other than yesterday morning. I'm sorry for wanting to something different last night." I apologized sarcastically.

He sighed angrily. He took the cooked egg away from the fire and looked at me without breaking his focus for a long time. His face grew closer to mine and his hands inched to the center of my back, one higher than the other.

"I see you were making breakfast." I changed the subject before this got anymore awkward.
"You aren't doing that again." He whispered softly.
"D-doing what?" I stuttered with shivers going down my spine.
"You know what." His voice was sharp, but almost dream-like at the same time. His face came closer and our noses touched.
"What a-" I began before his lips crashed into mine, interrupting me from my question. I was shocked, and I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. At first, I kissed by accident while trying to get away, but he wouldn't let me leave. I wouldn't let me leave.

I tried to stop the kiss but the truth is that I was beginning to like it. His lips left mine before I felt the urge to kiss him back. I didn't though, I just stood there, staring into his green eyes. His lips crawled to my ear, and he whispered, "I know you liked it." He pulled away with a sly smirk and his hands dropped away from my back. He picked up the egg and walked into the forest.
I'm glad he stopped when he did. I know what that was now, he was testing me! That's it, he wanted to see if I would fall for the trick and disobey his rule to not have any relationships on his island. The question is, did I pass or did I fail. And if I failed, what happens now?

• • • • • •

Pan's POV:

I ate my egg alone in the forest.
I know she liked it, she must have. Her face when I pulled away from our kiss was almost longing for more, I just know it. She must have liked it, but she didn't want to like it.
I came to a sudden realization, I liked it too. I can't like her, or kissing her, or anything. She's only here to fight, that's it. She'll die eventually, I can't grow attached to her... Unless she doesn't die. Or, if I don't let her die.

All my thoughts were confusing me, some thoughts say yes to things while other thoughts say no. But all lead back to Max.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Author's Note:

What do you think so far? Good? Bad? Feel free to give me suggestions or comments, things you like, things you don't like. If you like the direction this story is going, I'm glad. If you don't, let me know, I'll see what I can do.

I'm so glad to see all of the views this story is getting, thank you all for reading it so far!! Until next update, Au revoir!

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