Pan Never Fails

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Pan's POV:

I put the mirror down and lifted the mask off my face. The mask was a precaution, my plan would be ruined if anyone knew I was alive. Which reminded me, if I wanted to stay that way, I would need Henry's heart.
I sat back in my chair. I didn't want to think about that right now, currently I have that taken care of. Now what I have to plan out is which of my Lost Boys will be suitable for part two of my survival plan.

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Max's POV:

After getting ready for work, giving Mason food money and walking to Granny's Diner, I felt luck finally coming my way.
In one of the few booths of the diner, sat a boy, alone. No waitress had approached him yet, and Granny was out of sight, out of mind.

"Hello there! What can I get for you today?" I smiled sweetly at the boy who wasn't much younger than I was.
He looked up at me and ordered.
"Ummm... A hot cocoa with cinnamon on top please."
"Coming right up." I smiled and put his order in the back. I saw Granny walking my way and decided it was time to start washing some dishes.

Minutes later, his order sat in a large steaming mug on the counter. I looked around and no one looked interested in bringing it to the customer. I considered putting the potion in his drink now, but it was too soon and the bag was still under some building near the beach.
I checked over my shoulders to see if the coast was clear. No one cared enough to look over at me, so carefully I grabbed his order and brought it over to him.
He looked up at me.
"So you're new here." he declared. It wasn't a question.
"Yeah, I got the job earlier this week." I replied.
"Nice. But I meant, new to town." He spoke between sips of his hot chocolate.
"Oh yes, that too" I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.
"How did you get into town? There was a spell over it to keep people out." He perked up with sudden interest.
I quietly laughed.
"A spell?" was my only response.
"Yeah, yeah. This town is magical and the people in it are fairytale characters. It's all old news. Point is, you must have broken the protection spell. Unless you used a magic bean?"
I began cleaning the table in the booth in front of him.
"That's funny." I tried to smile genuinely. But in my head I remember Pan ordering us to pour the potion in the portal before we were both in. Why would he want us to do that if it wasn't necessary?

"Dishes girl! Clean the dishes!" My boss ordered me, more disappointed than angry.
"I'll be right there!" I assured her.

"I'll see you around...." I paused.
"Henry." He answered my un asked question.
"See you Henry." I began walking over to the dishes.

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Third Person POV:

Pan ran over his plan in his head over and over again. He felt there was something he had missed. Maybe a detail he forgot to add, a way his plan could fail.

1. Pour in the first potion into the portal before they leave, this will break the protection spell over their town. He thought it would be better if the people of Storybrooke thought they were from that realm. He wanted it to look like they walked right in. As if the spell broke somehow and they came into the town at that time. But he knows they won't fall for that. He imagined them thinking that maybe there is magic outside of Storybrooke. He figures that should keep them looking around for a while.

2. The memory loss. This was Mason's idea, Pan thought it was too convenient and understood that the people of Storybrooke would see right through this, but couldn't think of any other excuse.
If he had given them names and backstories, they could easily be looked up in files. Then they would know that Max and Mason lied and then they wouldn't be trusted near Henry.

3. They needed to find a way to get close to Henry without looking suspicious. Max had the idea of going to school in Storybrooke but Pan didn't think the town would just allow them to go to school after popping up in town with no memory. Pan was much more impressed with Max's 'get a job' idea. Only now, Mason has nothing to do but look suspicious and get the bag that he hid.

4. Once Max gives Henry the potion, she finds an excuse to talk to him outside of work, when the potion takes affect in taking away the protection spell he has on him that would prevent people from taking his heart ever again. For example, Pan suggested taking something from him and saying he forgot it.

5. The most important step. Max takes Henry's heart, but only his heart. Last time Pan tried to take Henry but his family used that to find him. If only his heart goes missing, then it'll be much more difficult to track down.

6. Timing. Pan plans on making Mason and Max take a small detour before coming back to Neverland. A detour to meet up with a friend. Max won't like it, but there is no way out of it. She must come along on this detour. Sure Pan could use another bean, he has so many seeing as Neverland can get beans that existed in previous crops that burned down. If they weren't going to use, Pan just took another and another. They are almost too common for him.
However Pan has used so many already, and is choosing to save them for when he needs them. The bean crops that burned down in the past is running short on magical bean, and Pan isn't going to use another bean for Max. If she ends up hating him for what he plans to do so be it.
He needs to survive.
Pan never fails.

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