How is she?

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Max's POV:

I almost fell asleep on that peaceful beach until I realized that my need for hunger was much stronger than my need for sleep. So I sleepily stalked off towards the camp ground, which thankfully wasn't far from the beach.

As I entered, I noticed the boys all laughing together but Pan and Bella were nowhere in sight. I started drifting off into space with my head pointing directly in front of me, just imagining where Pan would have taken Bella. My stomach started complaining after a few minutes of considering where they would be. I regained my focus and walked over to the only other person I knew here, Mason.
I hoped he wouldn't be mad at from this morning when I made him sound like I was better than him, which I probably am, but of course, I would enjoy eating so I should try not to bring that up any time soon.
"Hey Mason." I tried not to sound too cheerful, but of course not too bored either.
"Hi..." he sounded confused. Possibly even annoyed.
Before I could even mention why I was talking to him he broke my train of thought.
"Have you seen the new girl yet?" A smile crossed his face.
"She just fainted in the middle of camp!" Another boy piped in.
"Where is she now?" I asked, ignoring my hunger.
"Pan took her into that tent over there." The boy said while pointing at a small tent beside two medium sized tents.
"Thanks." I said while turning towards the tent.
"You aren't gonna faint too are you?" He asked while laughing.
"Not yet." I said bitterly and headed towards the tent.

"That one ain't half bad." The boy said when he thought I couldn't hear him. Although I had no clue what he was talking about, I didn't care enough to walk back and find out. I was more curious as to whether Bella was alright or not.
I was about to walk into the tent when Pan walked out and stopped to stare blankly in my direction. "Hows Bella?" I asked cautiously.
"Perfectly fine, just sleeping for the time being." He said cooly.
"I heard that she fainted. Can I check on her?" I asked while trying to look past him and into the tent.
"There isn't much to see Max, she's simply sleeping." he said calmly."Why don't I get you something to eat?" he offered politely, and that seemed odd. I don't know him well, but polite would defiantly not be a word I would use to describe him.
I'm not sure why he didn't want me to go in the tent, so I just simply smiled and said "That would be lovely. I'll just wait here and check on Bella until you return."
He gave me an aggravated glare with one eyebrow cocked up. Then he straightened his back and gave me a half hearted smile. "Go ahead." he encouraged, then turned around and strolled off toward the middle of the camp.
I was tempted to follow him and find out where this food is coming from, but then I remembered Bella and quietly entered the tent.

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