Challenge Accepted

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One week later:

Max's POV:

Not much has happened in the last week. I've been learning more magic, mainly the basics, but there were some more experienced things I learned. For example, I now know how to rip someone's heart out of their chest or how to make a fireball in my hand. I'm not really sure if I could actually use those on someone, but I guess I have to try.
Pan told me that he wouldn't teach me how to disappear, because he thinks I'll leave them and go back home. So that means that my 'plan A' is gone. Unless I come up with a 'plan B', my only option is to fight.

But today, Pan said I get to take time off of magic training so I can work more on my fighting skills.
Once I got out of bed, I noticed that Pan wasn't at his desk, where he usually was when I wake up. I glance around the inside of the cabin, but he is nowhere to be seen. So I stepped outside and I see all the Lost Boys lined up in rows of eight.

Mason was the only one who wasn't lined up, and Pan was no where to be seen.
"Oh Max, have you decided to finally join us?" He rolled his eyes as he smirked and turned away from me.

"I slept well thank you for asking." I said with a great deal of sarcasm. "You should be grateful for that Mason. I can beat you in a fight on a normal day, imagine me when I'm grumpy." I threatened with a mischievous smirk plastered on my face.
"Oh sure. Like you could actually beat me in a fight!" he said as he laughed in disbelief.
"Challenge accepted. Right here, right now. No weapons, and the round ends once the other concedes. Deal?" I challenged.
"Maybe another day. I have specific orders from Pan.." Mason began.
"Sure you do, of course. It's not like you're just a little scared of losing or anything." I continued. I was in the mood to kick some ass after having an entire week without physical exercise. Plus it's a good way to wake me up, so I'll be more alert.

"Pan will be very disappointed.." Mason warned.
"He's always disappointed in me. I'm used to it. Let's fight!" I was becoming extremely excited.

He smirked but took half of a step away from me. Then he charged towards me and kneed me right in my stomach. I nearly threw up in my mouth, but I didn't.

My anger was beginning to add up into a monstrous amount, and before I knew it, my fist has slammed square into his left cheek. He staggered back, covering his wound. Then he darted swiftly towards me, his foot in the air, preparing to kick me in the stomach again. I grabbed his ankle and twisted it until he fell to the ground in pain.
"Are you prepared to concede?" I ask cockily.
"Not quite" He grumbled, then rolled up onto his feet again and threw his fist at my cheek. I ducked his punch and managed to knock him down by kicking the weak spot of his legs.
"How about now?" I chuckled with amusement.
"Nope." He answered before he kicked my kneecap into my knee with such a great force that I fell flat on my back. Before I had time to get up, he was already pushing my shoulders into the ground.
"As you can see, I've done quite a bit of training while you were on your little vacation." He snickered. Without even thinking, I whacked my forehead onto his, causing him great pain and unfortunately, causing me pain as well. But I ignored the fire burning in my knee and forehead for long enough to win the fight.
I straddled on top of him gave him a good, hard punch, breaking his nose. I was victorious and he learned that he should never mess with me. Not that he has yet, but it's a nice way to prevent it from happening in the future.

Later in the evening, Pan returned. He did not look happy. He got one glance at Mason's broken nose and he glared at me without anyone even having to tell him who did it. The enragement in his face looked like he was trying to say to me "You better run before I put some of my murder plans into action."

I figured the smart thing to do was probably to leave but of course, Pan wouldn't let me do that. One second he was behind me, the next thing I know, he's in front of me, holding the collar of my shirt so high that the heels of my feet couldn't touch the ground.

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Authors Note:

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, and I know this chapter is fairly short, but I'm sure most of you know about how the end of the school year has a bit more work then the beginning of the year did. But hopefully I will update soon with longer chapters.

Also, I would just like to thank you all for reading my story so far. And especially for those who vote and comment, a big thanks goes out to you. I really appreciate all of you. I shall try to update soon!

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