The Dunbroch Family

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I published two chapters for today! You're welcome! This was should be the part of the third chapter, but it was too long. So I decided to make it into two chapters! Anyway, happy reading!

After North explained everything to me and the dragon rider beside me, I trust him. I remember my mother once told me a legend about the Guardians, so I think they are good. Anyway, I can beat them anytime when they do something bad to me. "So you trusted him? And my name is Hiccup." He said.

"Yes, my name is Merida, and you should just trust them because you're talking to a stranger right now." Seriously, this guy just asked about strangers to a stranger. Can he be a little bit smarter? He sighed and just nodded. I stood and walk to another guardians with North, with Hiccup follows from behind.

"So sorry from before, and you guys can come to my castle." I said.

"It's okay, and thank you." The girl named Elsa said. And if you don't know, What North mean by explaining everything, it's really mean everything. I still forgot a few things because I'm not that smart.

After a few minutes, we arrived at my castle. I left Angus in his stable and walk to the castle with my new friends. "I'm ba- Woah!" When I was about to continue, I and the others fell.

"What is wrong with the floor?" Eugene asked. Only those three little devils that are able to do something like this.

"Triplets!" Then, I heard chuckles from the second floor. They are so dead when I found them!

"What happen? Whoahh!" My father shouted when he came.


Well, I guess they are going to die twice then.

"Don't worry, I can fix this." Elsa froze the wet floor and then she takes all the ice from the floor to her hand. After that, she changes them into a beautiful snowflake.

"Well done Snowflake!" Jack said, and both of them blush. I can't help but laugh at the scene like the others.

"Who are you? Merida stay away from them!" My dad stood and takes out his sword. I totally forgot about him. My dad was about to call the guards but stopped because of me.

"Stop!" I shouted and there is silence in the room.

"What is going on in here?" My mother asked while walking to my father. "Who are they?" My mother asked again while calming my father down.

"They are my friends!"

"They are witches!"

My father and I said in unison.

"Excuse me! But no one! No ONE called me, my sister, and my friends witches!" Anna was about to give my father a lesson, but Elsa stops her. "We should discuss it first." My mother suggested. My parents walked to the throne and sat on it. Me and my friends also go near the throne.

"Merida, now you need to explain everything." My mother said.

"So, does mom remember when you told me about the guardian legend and the prophecy?" My mother nodded and dad was going to talk, but stopped by mom.

"So, I was going to the wood with Angus, and suddenly Will O' the Wisps appeared and guided me to the Ring of Stones. I saw that they were under attack and I decided to help them defeat their enemy's creations. And North or Santa Claus told me that I was one of the people from the prophecy." My parents are shocked, but mostly my dad.

"I guess that explain everything. You can go with them Merida but you should be careful and take care of yourself. Oh, and don't forget to watch your attitude." A part of me is happy and the another is annoyed because my mother still want me to be a 'perfect' princess. But it's better than before.

"Are you sure Elinor?" My father finally asked in disbelief.

"You want our daughter to go with strangers and a talking kangaroo?!" My father asked, more like shouted.

"Wait, kangaroo?" Jack burst out laughing and the others just chuckled or giggled. Kangaroo, I mean Bunny looks like he is going to explode.

"Yes, and we can talk about this later." My father just sighed.

"Welcome and please enjoy yourself in here. I'm sorry about my husband behavior." My mother said. We said thank you and walk to the castle garden, because Toothless is in there.

"I guess we should go now." North said when we are walking.

"What? Why?" Jack asked.

"Someone need to take care of the children. Besides, this mission is not for us." Bunny said.

"Don't worry Jack, we will tell and help you when Pitch is attacking." Tooth said.

"Good bye!" We said when North, Bunny, Sandy, and Tooth waved and went to the portal.

"So, we go now?" Anna said after the guardians are gone. We all nodded and continue our walk.

"You know Mer, I kinda like your brothers." Jack suddenly said, everybody stopped and look at him in disbelief.

"Why?" I asked. I never heard someone said that. He is sane, right?

"I love their pranks, and their pranks made them one of the top five in the naughty list. Just like me." Jack smirked. Everyone, including me glare at Jack.

"What?" Jack said and then smiles innocently. Everyone else roll their eyes.

"Whatever." We said at the same time and laugh. Jack sighed and walks again, we stopped laughing and follow Jack.

We arrived at the garden and see Toothless is chasing a butterfly. "So cute!" Rapunzel said. Toothless noticed us and goes to Hiccup.

"Is it dangerous?" Kristoff pointed to Toothless and moves away with Eugene.

"Of course not!" Hiccup said, but Kristoff and Eugene still look scared.

Right now, Anna and Punzie are talking to each other, Elsa and Jack are playing with their power, Kristoff and Eugene are chatting, while I'm just lying down on the grass and then Hiccup is walking to me with Toothless.

"Hi." Hiccup said and sat beside me with Toothless by his side.


"Do you want to touch him?" Hiccup pointed to Toothless.


I went to Toothless and slowly place my hand on his head. Luckily, it didn't kill me. He just enjoys it.

"He likes you." Hiccup said.


Since I met Hiccup, I always think that he is amazing. He is able to ride a dragon and made it trusts him. He is really amazing.

I took my hand and lying down again. I'm bored. There must be something we can do. Suddenly, an idea pops in my mind.

"Guys! Come here!" I shouted suddenly and make everybody startled. I sat and everyone quickly go to me. After everyone came, I told them my idea.

"Let's go camping!"

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