The Fight (2)

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Merida, Eugene, Kristoff, and I are chasing after Mor'du. Sharp icicles that I made are attacking that creature. Merida is still shooting her arrows to it too. But somehow, the icicles and the arrows didn't hit Mor'du.

"We need to figure out a new way if want to defeat Mor'du. What we are doing right now is useless." Kristoff said and everyone agreed.

"We need something like.. A cage! So, it can't escape." Eugene suggested.

"But where can we find a cage for this monster?" Merida asked, making all of us confused again.

Hmm.... what is strong and big enough to keep this monster? There must be something...

I look at my surroundings, hoping that I can get a great idea. Soon, I see a lake near us. A lake! Of course!

"Guys, I have a plan. We need to make Mor'du go straight into that lake."

"You are going to drown it? Well, it might work." Eugene said.

"Don't worry, I won't do that only."

Merida and I are directing the black bear to the lake with arrows and icicles. And it worked. Mor'du went near the lake with us behind it. I freeze the ground near Mor'du so it slips and falls to the lake. I immediately freeze the lake with my power.

"Yes! We did it!" I shouted happily. The others cheered too.

"I feel a bit sorry for the fish thought." Kristoff said.

"Well maybe, we can do something else. Elsa can you unfreeze Mor'du's head?" Merida asked.

"Are you crazy?" Eugene asked in disbelief.

"Probably." Merida answered.

I believe in Merida. I'm sure she makes the right decision. Even though, it's not a sane decision. I unfreeze Mor'du's head and it begins to roaring. Merida shot her arrow to Mor'du's head and then the bear turned into black sand.

Wow, I'm surprised. I didn't expect that.

"Now, you can unfreeze the lake." Merida said.

I do as what she told me to do. The lake turned back to normal. The view is really breathtaking. The sunshine illuminates the lake, the tall green trees near it, the clean water of the lake reflects the color of the blue sky, the flying birds above the lake... Yep. Really amazing.

"I think we should meet the others right now." Eugene said.

Oh, right! He must be feeling uneasy. I mean Punzie is in a great danger and we are only enjoying the view.

"Yeah, let's go find the others." I said.


Soon, we finally meet the others.

"So I was like 'I have magic snow globes, why haven't I used them?'"

"And then, North opened a portal that directs to an active volcano. The dragon fought with Toothless, and it finally fell to the lava!"

"That's so great! I can't see those black teeth again. Too disgusting."

North, Bunny, and Tooth are telling Hiccup, Jack, Astrid, and Anna how they defeated the black dragon, while Sandy only listening to them because he can't talk.

"There you are! I have been worrying about you, snowflake. I'm worry about you guys as well" Jack told us.

"I'm fine, Jack." Elsa said to Jack.

"So, how did you guys defeat Mor'du?" Anna asked.

"Well, we use Elsa's plan. We drowned Mor'du in a lake and then froze the lake. After that, Elsa unfroze Mor'du's head so I can shot it with my arrows." Merida explained.

"Just like that? This means I'm so dumb. I could have just asked Jack to freeze Drago, except the head so I can cut it off!" Hiccup said and then everyone laughed, except Sandy of course.

"Um.. Can we go and find Punzie now?" Eugene asked.

"Yeah, sure. Everyone, let's go!" Hiccup said.



So, I have bad news and good news.

The bad news is... 

I have lost my interest on this book.

Readers: *gasps loudly, and someone faints*

It's not that surprising though. I often lost my interest on some things. So, if you're wondering why I haven't read any Jelsa fanfic lately, yeah, it's because I have lost my interest. But don't worry, I still ship Jelsa! 

The good news is...

I will still end this book!

Readers: *Cheers happily*

This book might end next month if I'm not that busy. This book still has 3 chapters left I think. 

I'm also going to make short stories when I have finished this book. Since, I lost interest on things way too easy. So, short stories won't be a problem for me to finish them. I hope you guys want to read them.

Hope you guys have great day, bye! Love you! ❤

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