Dragon and Arrow

685 37 45

This chapter is dedicated to nanni2712 and MagicGoldenFlower. Thank you for being my followers!!!😁

We arrived at a forest in Scotland. It's so beautiful! In fact, there is a waterfall near the forest. I can't believe I can see all of these amazing things. When we were admiring the scene, Jack suddenly fell from the sleigh.

"Jack!" I immediately looked down and see he is actually sitting on the one of the sleigh's ski.

"Ooh, you do care." I rolled my eyes and sat on the previous place.

"It's okay, not only you got that prank from him." Bunny said while giving a death glare to Jack.

Prank? That's it! I quickly made a snowball and hide it behind my back. I'm so lucky that I chose to sit in the back.

"Jack, come here!" He went to me and sat beside me.

"I want to whisper you something important."

When his head came closer enough, I throw my snowball right at his face. Everyone laugh and Jack has a shocked look on his face. "How do you like my present the king of fun?" I said loud enough for everybody to hear it.

Jack was about to say something, but all I can see is a more shocked expression than before. "Elsa, watch out!" Jack quickly hugs me with one of his hand holding his staff that soon released a blast of ice to a nightmare behind me.

Instead of feeling scared, I'm feeling happy. My heart is beating so fast, I hope Jack didn't realize it. "You okay?" He said after let go of me, I nodded. What is wrong with me?


Calm down Jack! You need to fight, not screaming in your own mind like a maniac.

I finally calmed myself and destroys some nightmares with my power. Elsa is creating icicles, Eugene and Rapunzel are hitting the nightmares with frying pan. I never thought a frying pan will be this helpful.

Meanwhile, Bunny is using his boomerang, Tooth, Kristoff and Anna are punching the nightmares, and North is driving the sleigh. "Here, take over." North said to Eugene while taking out his sword, so now Eugene is the one that taking care of the sleigh.

"We need to land!" I said because the nightmares are too many.

"And how exactly should I do it?" Eugene asked.

"It's the same as when you ride Maximus!" Kristoff replied while punching a nightmare.

"But I usually fell when I was riding Max! He is like my ex girlfriend! He doesn't like me!" Eugene shouted.

"I don't care about your life right now! And you were single before, right? Whatever. Anyway, just do it!" Kristoff said annoyed.

"You should know that this is the second strangest thing I've ever done!" Eugene shouted while landing the sleigh. The sleigh crashed to the ground. At least no one got hurt from that horrible landing.

"My sleigh!" North said while looking at his broken sleigh.

"I feel sorry for you. Believe me, I know how it feels like." Kristoff said while patting North's back.

"I'm sorry, but the good news is I can steal a sleigh for you if you want." Eugene smiled.

"Eugene!" Rapunzel shouted. Eugene smiled nervously to Rapunzel.

"Don't worry, it's not that hard to build a sleigh if you are the Santa Claus." North chuckled.

I looked at my surroundings and realize that we are surrounded by twelve tall rocks, but one of them is already broken. Soon, the nightmares are coming from the sky. We went to battle position, and each of us do our usual thing to kill the nightmares.

I'm using my staff to destroy the nightmares. I' making some snowballs too. Then, I see a nightmare is going to attack Elsa from behind. "Elsa!" I was going to use my power, but the nightmare disappears because of an arrow. I look at the girl that shot the arrow. She is riding a horse and have long curly red hair. She shoots her arrows and every single one of them hit the nightmares.

I go to destroying the nightmares again, but this time I'm closer to Elsa, so I could protect her. That doesn't mean I don't care about the others, but Elsa is more important, I guess. We are fighting for a while, and we start to getting tired. The nightmares keep increasing more and more. But then, someone came to help us.

I was riding Toothless to who know where, as long as it's far away from Berk I will be happy. There are to many problems in my life. First, be a chief is a way harder than I thought. Every day, Berk always has many boring things to discuss.

Second, I just broke up with Astrid. She said that we won't work. At least we are still friends. I don't know why, but I felt relieved and sad at the same time when we broke up.

After a while, I and Toothless landed in a forest. If I remember correctly, this place called Scotland. "What should I do Toothless?" I asked desperately. Toothless just rolled his eyes and ignored me. If only my father is here, he can tell me how to be a better chief.

Suddenly, something came to us. It was a horse made of black sand. I quickly took out my fire sword and kill the horse. "What is that?" Then, I saw many dark horses were running above us. "Let's go Toothless!" I went to Toothless and we flied to follow the black horses. Toothless blasted the horses with his fire so we can pass them.

Soon, I saw the horses were attacking a few people that surrounded by tall rocks. "Toothless, you have to destroy the dark horses down there, but don't hurt the people." Toothless let out a huge amount of fire to the horses.

After they are all gone, we landed and I got off from Toothless. I took my fire sword and point it to the strangers, while Toothless prepares to attack. The girl with curly red hair also got off from her horse and point her arrow to the strangers.


And that is how I got stuck in this situation.

"Who are you? What do you want to do in my Kingdom?" The girl with red hair asked.

"Wait you're a princess?" I asked.

"Yes, and why did you ask?" She pointed her arrow to me.

"You just don't look like one." A guy with brunette hair said. The girl immediately let go of her arrow to the guy and luckily it missed. Just a little bit more and he is dead.

"Watch what you were saying! If you do it again, I won't give you any mercy like this time." The guy just stands there in shock.

"Please calm down, we are the good guys." A huge man with red coat said.

"And how do we trust you?" I asked.

"I'm going to explain everything."

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