the monarch - twilight | available

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The new queen was given a large new wardrobe of clothes, and her crimson bed curtains made of Italian sarcenet were embroidered with red Lancastrian roses. In May of the same year, She was given lands and houses in Scotland, along with the income from the corresponding Earls and Lordship lands. During all of that, Cecily still did not find joy in that marriage. After all, it was for political reasons and not for love.

Before she left for Scotland, her mother took her aside and told her that she would learn to love her husband, just as she had done with hers. Cecily left with her father, and they stopped at Dalkeith Palace for the night. It was there where Cecily met Alistair, a man that had been passing through the gardens to get to his home. She questioned him, and he just wanted to go, so he told her to go back inside before monsters got her. Cecily, allowing the name and her titles to get to her head, claimed that she was queen and he was to stop whenever she said. He did, bent the knee, and told her that if she wished to see him again, she would let him go. She did so.

She saw him again when she arrived at Edinburg and the marriage was being celebrated in person in Holyrood Abbey. She danced with him and asked all sorts of things, such as his name and where he was from. From his words, she knew that he must have been a blue blood. From his beauty, she wondered if he was one of those gods she read about in books.

At the age of twenty, Cecily gave birth to her first and only child, James Stewart, Duke of Rothesay. It was a hard birth that left her bleeding, in other words, dying. Alistair, worried that his only friend in over three hundred years would leave, took her body when they thought she was dead and decided to turn her. For the duration of her transformation, there was no sign that she was even alive except her heartbeat. By the end of it, Alistair cursed himself for turning her.

Cecily did not get accustomed to her new life quickly. In fact, there were many times when she tried to visit her family and was only stopped by Alistair's worming—she would kill them all because of her bloodlust. So, she waited, and listened to the news brought to her by Alistair.

One year after her transformation, her only son died. Her sister, Margaret, married James and gave him the next heir of the Scottish throne. She was erased from court papers: she never existed and her marriage to James has always been with Margaret. Her father thought of her a monster since her body had disappeared, and the rumours of a young woman that looked like her being in the villages were not great for the reputation of the royal family. Her mother mourned her, her siblings too, and her father only in the silence of his bedroom. Her sister became a queen, with a ship named after her and a young woman who became queen at only six days of being born.

Cecily was furious. This was supposed to be her life. She left Alistair and kept a castle to herself, with only a handful of servants who knew her secret. Their families and themselves were the only ones who knew who she was, what she was, and they kept the secret. Or it was a quick death for whomever spoke. They had learned that Cecily did not lie after three people tried to espose her.

She fed on the sick, gave them a quick death so they wouldn't suffer more. It was how she learned that she had one of these supernatural powers Alistair explained. She could compel them to do her bidding. So, she compelled away their fright and allowed them to be in a fantasy world where they felt no pain as she fed from them.

Alistair would visit several times, his visitations always expanded through years. But it felt like months to them. Time was wobbly. She could sit by her window and blink, and thirty years would have past.

During the 17th century, Alistair made a quick visit with a newborn named Carlisle. They met rather quickly, since Alistair was in a hurry to be in Scotland by nightfall. And even in that quick meeting, Cecily Tudor felt a strange tug towards that newborn.

Cecily spends her time in her own castle, reading the books in her library and many more that are brought to her by her household. Other vampire covens and nomads visited her, still called her either princess or queen. She took pleasure in that. Even the Volturi, who were royalty in their world, called her Queen Cecily. They had respect for her. Since she had a special power, Aro wanted her. She refused and stayed in her lands, only allowing them to visit when it was from pleasure and not duty.

After two hundred years of not seeing her friend, he arrived to ask her to come to America to visit an old friend. On their voyage (plane ride, but remember her English is sophisticated), Alistair told her that it was that newborn she had met long ago. His coven was in danger from the Volturi, because of an apparent immortal child. She knew enough to know that was a terrible crime.

When they arrive in Forks, she stops dead in her tracks when she sees Carlisle again. The tug is there, stronger than ever. She pushes it away and smiles politely, introduces herself to the family and the rest of the vampires that would help.

Cecily has never been around so many vampires, so she asks many questions about them, their life's, where they are from, how they were as human, the difference between that and their new life. In other words, she's as curious as a child.

Esme will NOT be jealous that Cecily and Carlisle are mates. In fact, she is rather happy that Carlisle found his mate after so long. She loved him, but she will not stand in the middle of true love. We can bring another vampire that can be her mate, because Esme deserves a lot of love anD I WILL DIE FOR HER.


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