72 - Cailyn x Draco Part 1

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It was mid July. Everything had suddenly became normal for Nicky, Isabel and Cailyn. Well, there was one exciting thing. They were going to have a live action film! Cailyn was freaking out. "OmG WE WERE GONNA BE IN A MOVIE. AND IN A HARRY POTTER ONE TOO!" But J.K Rowling said no. "No one can know that Harry Potter is real." She said. "People are suspicious enough that you guys happen to be very similar to the "fictional" characters in the book, so we can't let you guys into the movie too."

Cailyn cried.

So then they all got depressed. Nicky was especially sad too. "No one can't even know about my rapping career?" He asked. "Nor can they know all of the cool magic things I did? I'm triggered!" Summer was pretty boring too. They expected some cool adventure to happen, but sadly no.

Isabel was in her room and even started crying. "I ran out of paper!" She cried. "And all of my pencils are broken!" It was the end of all the fanfictions. Until she realized she could've just type it out. And Nicky was really anxious to go to school for the first time. Obviously, anxious to go to Hogwarts, not regular school. He really wanted to do the collab with Pansy there.

Cailyn was walking to Isabel's house one day, when a thought occured to her. What the nutella happened to Emperor Suxs? He was supposed to be chasing after them supposedly after they had thrown Cheetos at him. Maybe he had lost their trail? Or maybe... "HOLY BREADSTICKS!" She yelled and she stopped walking and began running to Isabel's house faster than Sonic.

When she reached the door, she knocked super loudly. Isabel answered the door and yelled, "NO, I DON'T WANT TO GO TO YOUR STUPID MORMON LESSONS!"

"I'm not a mormon, I'm your cousin!" Cailyn said.

"Oh, whoops. Sorry," said Isabel and she ushered Cailyn into her house. "I was just finishing up a new part of 'Obi Juan Kenobi'".

"Ooh, cool. Can I read it?" Asked Cailyn, forgetting the thing she was gonna tell her momentarily.
"Sure," said Isabel, handing her a new spicy part of the retarded story. After reading it, Cailyn said it was litty and then said, "I have some important news bro. Or, an important theory to tell you."

"Omg yay, is it scary?" Asked Isabel.

"Well it does have to do with us," said Cailyn. "I was gonna say, did you ever wonder what happened to Emperor Suxs and if he ever decided to chase after us after we nearly killed him?"

Isabel's face froze as she realized what her cousin was trying to say. "H-He's here?" She asked.

"I think so," said Cailyn.

Isabel nodded. "Prepare the hot Cheetos."

They walked towards the kitchen where Nicky sat, eating crossiants. "Hi Nicky," greeted Cailyn. "We probably are in danger and we're probably gonna die and we're probably gonna see Emperor Suxs and probably you too, oh well, we all are probably gonna die."

"I think you said probably like five times?" Said Isabel.

Nicky meanwhile, started to choke on his crossiant. "Emperor Suxs?" He asked. Isabel and Cailyn could just see the hatred in his eyes when mentioned that red headed emperor. "That's the guy who didn't give me some stale hot Cheetos..."

"Exactly. That's why we're gonna steal all of the Cheetos in the pantry, so you can kill him with them," Cailyn explained. Isabel meanwhile, left to go to her bedroom to retrieve the wand that gave you unlimited chicken nuggets. "We also are gonna need this wand," she said.

"We need a team too!" Said Cailyn.

"Hey, how do you guys know that Emperor Suxs is gonna kill y'all?" Asked Nicky.

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