65 - Pansy x Draco

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Ha. Ha. HA!

(That is Isabel's evil laughter for making this)

I've decided to make a Pansy and Draco story for The Book of Fanfictions. I am sorry Cailyn. So I don't know what the heck to give for a plot. But one day, Pansy was being her usual meanie self when someone came up to her. "Hey lol I know you like Draco lol bye," said the random guy, somehow saying lol.

"Wait what?" Asked Pansy.

Then the random guy said that Keemstar made a report on the news confirming Pansy liking Draco. So Pansy flipped and broke the guy's neck. Then she decided to ask out Draco cause why not. Everyone already knew. So she went up to him, and was gonna ask him out. But Draco was talking to a girl named Becky.

"Go away Becky, Pansy is here," je said. Becky looked triggered and left.

Pansy was expecting him to say something like, "I love you" to her and make things super romantic but she was dead wrong.

He punched her.

Joking, bro he didn't. He actually was like "oh HEY PANSY!" like everything was normal. But then he said "i hEARD YOU LIKE ME."
Pansy nodded and then Draco said he liked her too and they married and had kids became grandparents and died the end.

(And yes there are no commas in there on purpose)

So see, this actually did have a happy ending. Except for the fact Draco was cheating on Pansy the whole time without her knowing. Wanna know who? It was his apple...

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