60 - Snape x Harry Part 15

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Harry Potter's POV:

I broke up with Snape.

He was a mean dude anyway. I've been feeling depressed because Dudley has been taking away all the attention from me, and onto him. I tried to stop him once. It went like this.

"Hey guys, look at my new broom that costs more money than Lucius Malfoy's pimp stick- I mean cane," I said. Everyone started oohing and ahhing at it. But then he appeared.

"Haha, that stick looks gay," Dudley said.

"You look gay," I replied.

Dudley flipped his un-flippable hair.

"Guys, I have a new broom. It's the most expensive broom ever," said Dudley proudly. Suddenly all the oohing and ahhing at my broom stopped and the oohing and ahhing was at Dudley's broom.

"Go die Dudley," I said.

"Wow, what a bad insult. Go pick someone your anorexic size," said a random girl. And once again, everyone started praising Dudley...and he did the worst thing. He went up to me and dabbed on my head. Again. "DUB ON 'EM HATERS!" He yelled.

No one should blame me for what I did today, hearing that embarrasing story. I was going through my brand new band boy magazine when the door slammed open.

"I WANT MY FREAKING NOSE!" A familar voice screeched.

"Oh my god, it's Voldemort!" I yelled and got up from the bed.

"iF I DON'T GET MY NOSE SOMEONE IN THIS SCHOOL IS GONNA DIE!" He continued ranting on. I knew for sure that there were was no way I could get him his nose back. "T-Take Dudley." I said. "He has a really huge nose, unlike you. That'll give you reason to kill him." Voldemort noddes and left my room. Before he did, he looked at me and said, "Tf bro, you got band boy magazines? Didn't think the boy who lived was the boy who was weird." And then he left. I left him to kill whoever he wanted, wandering the school.

What if he killed....him?



Me and Cailyn both share a room. We were just randomly flipping through a book of dank memes when a poptart came flying into the room and hit Cailyn smack dab in the face. Suddenly a classmate who we'll name Becky entered. "OmG VOLDEMORT IS BACK AND HE'S LOOKING FOR DUDLEY!"

"BUT ME AND DUDLEY WERE GONNA COLLAB ON A RAP SONG TOGETHER!" Yelled Nicky, who suddenly appeared.

"omg dUDLEYS GONNA DIE!" Shouted Cailyn (or Viollett)

"vOLDDYYYYYYYYY!" Screeched Isabel. Becky, Isabel, Cailyn and Nicky suddenly heard a loud boom. "cOME BACK HERE YOU FAT HEAD!" They heard a raspy voice yell.

"Omg that's Voldemort. Like, I've gotta blast! Like, every girl for herself!" Yelled Becky and she ran away.

Nicky, Cailyn and Isabel decided to go to the source of the sound though. They took out their wands and suddenly they saw Dudley come flying and he smashed into Nicky. "OW!" Yelled Nicky. "I. SAID. COME. BAACK!" Yelled Voldemort. He literally pushed Dudley off of Nicky and slammed him across the room.

"WOORRRLLD STAAARR!" Yelled Becky who suddenly appeared.

Nicky, Isabel and Cailyn were angry at what was happening. Dudley was a brat, but he didn't deserve to literally be slammed across the room. Cailyn turned into wolf form.


Nicky expected Isabel to feel happy, just a bit, since she did pretend to love Voldemort and hate Dudley. But nope boys, instead as soon as Cailyn came crashing into Voldemort, Isabel pointed her wand at Voldy and yelled, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"



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