63 - Snape x Harry Part 18

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It was weird and crazy. Randomly, a ship crashed through the school. No bro, like literally crashed.

A bunch of weird looking guys came walking into the hallway, somehow not affected from the crash while holding  knives. Everyone was scared. Even I was. One of them adressed them as Edgy Boi #2. "Aye, Edgy Boi #2 you can reveal your identity to your friend," said the one who was called Edgy Boi #1.

"I'm so confused." Nicky said. "hELP!"

Edgy Boi #2 came foward, dramatically taking off his hood.

"Oh hi Cailyn," he said to me normally.

"What the fudge popsicles?!" I said. "Juan, what are you doing here?!"
(Aye, random note, hopefully he doesn't mind too much he in here)

"WHY HAVE YOU LEFT ME FOR A YEAR WITHOUT NO EXPLANATION?!" He screeched and he started to shake my shoulders.

"Omg bro top ten anime betrayals," said Nicky. "Someone get the popcorn!" On cue, Draco handed Nicky some popcorn.


"BOY WHAT IS THIS MADNESS THEN?" He asked, and he pulled out a paperback version of The Villarreal Cousins and the Wands. "LIKE I DON'T CARE YOU HAD THIS FUN ADVENTURE BUT WHY WASN'T I IN IT?!"

"Omg this is more better than when Isabel thought she killed Cailyn!" Said Becky, who had suddenly appeared.

"I'm sorry bro..." I said.

"And you's a wolf too! I HAVEN'T GOT WOLF POWERS LIKE WHERE ARE MY POWERS WOOF WOOF Y'ALL!" Said Juan. "Oh yeah I forgot you were a wolf Cailyn." Said Nicky.

"Dude I literally just turned into a wolf again a day or two ago." I said. After Juan finished his breakdown, and of course, spraying Becky with that Febreeze spray he settled down.

"Remember when your weird brown cousin made a story about me being some Jedi?" He asked.

"Yes..." I said.

"Well I'm actually one," he said.

"I KNEW IT!" Yelled Isabel. "omg ARE YOU REALLY OBI WAN'S BROTHER?!" Juan nodded. Holy cheeseballs, this was a huge anime plot twist! Everyone was freaking out and then suddenly Edgy Boi #1 stepped forward towards us and revealed himself as Obi Wan. At that moment, I think Isabel died of fangirling. She had a brown paper bag that she was wheezing heavily into.

And then she fainted. Too bad, Obi Wan was gonna say hi to her too. Nicky had tried to remain calm but everyone could tell he wanted to jump up and scream. "O-Obi Wan. Holy. Hi. I liked it when you cut off Anakin's legs. I mean, I didn't. I mean I did. I meant it looked cool. I'm not crazy," said Nicky and he ran away yelling, "I LIKE RAMEN NOODLES!!!"

I was happy that Juan was here, but why was he? "How did you get here?" I asked. Juan then said it was complicated and stuff like that and that he couldn't explain. Hmm. Was he connected to the thing with Voldemort? He can't be. He is my friend. Maybe he is like an Auror and is hunting down death eaters.

Isabel suddenly jolted awake. "I KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH VOLDEMORT!" She yelled.

Part 19 coming to theatres near you boiisss! Stay tuned for the next episode of Dragon Ball Z

*plays a flute like that one old Vine*

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