48 - The Anime Deaths

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Anakin and Harry was playing video games, when suddenly Harry felt guility. "Bro we should go get Hux," said Harry.

"Why? He probably went off to go scream at random people," replied Anakin. Even though Anakin acted like he couldn't give a fudgie wudgie if Hux ran away, he still felt a disturbance in the Force. "Hang on man, I gotta go for a sec," said Anakin.

"Okay," said Harry, pausing the game. Anakin left Harry's room. Anakin went outside and saw Hux doing his usual screaming. Only Hux had a lightsaber that belonged to Anakin.

"I'mma kILL ALL YOU LITTLE [insert swear word]!" Screamed Hux. He then attempted to stab a tree but ended up stabbing himself. And then he died. With Anakin witnessing such a sad anime death.

Suddenly, Palpatine came and saw Anakin. "Oh my gosh, you killed him Anakin?" He asked in disbelief.

"No! I- he was using my lightsaber and-" but Anakin was interupted.

"Hux wouldn't have used it. I know you killed Hux....I'll keep it a secret," said Palpatine.


Palpatine then took out his lightsaber and screamed that he will pay. But then Harry came waltzing into the room. (Yes, waltzing. He was dabbing and everything.)

"I knew it! You were the bad guy all along!" Harry screeched. Harry used the Force and choked Anakin. "No-I-dIDNT HUX-" but then Anakin fell to the floor and maybe or maybe not then died. Harry started laughing evily. He then got electrutated by Palpafine. "UNLIMITED POWERRR!" Screamed Palpatine. Eventually, Harry died.

Palpatine smiled and then took his lightsaber and gave Anakin a gruesome death. He then bombed the whole house killing everyone, himself included. Palpatine you dumb fatty, that's not how murders work.

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