27 - Ron x himself

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Ron was super duper upset. He always wanted to find love, but he couldn't find anyone! Weird thoughts that no one should have began to form in Ron's head.

I can be single.

No, I'll marry Thomas the Tank Engine.

Marry Snape. Always loved me some emos.

No, I got it. Marry myself.

If Ron got into a relationship with himself, it'd be harmless right? He wouldn't have to worry about getting cheated on, and didn't have to worry about getting nervous for anniversaries. Why had no other human being come up with this? So, the next day when he was gonna meet up with Hairy Pothead to go kill - SHIZ I mean protect people, Ron said, "Bye sweetie love you!"

Harry gave a what-the-fudge face. "Who are you talking to?"

Ron then said in a creepy voice, "Myself McHairyDude." Harry was scared. His friend needed mental help.

One day, some random girl asked Ron out, and Ron said, "Sorry bro I'm taken."

"Taken by who?" Asked the girl.

"Taken by myself," said Ron.

The girl ran away, because she knew Ron was a weirdo. Harry had seen this drama unfold and said, "Well, Ronald McDonald stop it. Get some help."

Ron turned his head to Harry and killed him. Harry was no longer the boy who lived, but the boy who died from his best friend shoving chicken nuggets down his throat.

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