73 - Crabbe x Goyle 2

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The news spreaded about the recent murder. Dumbledore was now gone, obviously at Azkaban. Who would replace Dumbledore? you ask. Well, everyone had agreed that Bill Weasley should be the principal.

The first day he arrived at Hogwarts he went to the Great Hall and said, "Yo shup up guys, I'm gonna make a speech!" Everyone shutted their mouths and Bill began the speech.

"This has been pretty hard for me to digest. Dumbledore killing Harry Potter? Dang. Dude must've been drunk. Anyways, I trusted him and even wrote him a letter regarding towards this recent question that's been troubling me. I can't really get into it though. But I'm basically the new principal. First things first as  officer of the First Order-

WAIT. Wrong speech. Uh, so as principal of Hogwarts I demand Crabbe and Goyle to come to my awesome new office."

Crabbe and Goyle got up and followed Bill. Bill left without saying goodbye. Once they were in his office, Bill just stared at them for 15 seconds. Finally, he said, "Y'all are real unappreciated. Underrated. Used."

"Uhm, okay Bill..." said Goyle awkardly.

"NO! CALL ME, PROFFESOR WEASLEY!" Proffesor Weasley screamed.

"Okay, well Proffesor Weasley why the hell are we here, just for you to degrade us?" Asked Goyle.

"Joking y'all. Call me Bill or I'll slit your throat," said Proffesor Weasley- I mean BILL. "Well, I was just gonna say that and that Harry is actually alive."

"He is?!" Crabbe screamed.

"Yeah! He survived Voldemort like 1,000,000 times so he obviously would survive the-"

"SORRY GOTTA BLAST BILL!" Crabbe and Goyle yelled at the same time. They ran out of the office and went to McBlonde01 who was crying while eating Takis.

"DRACO, GUESS WHAT!" Yelled Crabbe.


"SHUT YO MOUTH UP. HARRY KINDA LIVED. BILL REVEALED IT!" Yelled Crabbe. Draco dropped his Taki. He got up from his chair and didn't say anything. He ran away, but Crabbe and Goyle didn't know where. "I think he's angry," said Goyle.

"Or he is acting like those Star Was fanboys," said Crabbe. Crabbe was correct. Draco was going up to random people, screaming out the news. It was so loud like geez. Luckily Bill came. "What is this loud noise that's disturbing me in the middle of my Star Wars book?" He asked.

"BOY. I was never informed of Harry being alive!" Said Draco.

"That's because- wait who told you?" Asked Bill. Draco pointed at Crabbe and Goyle. Bill looked at Crabbe and Goyle with such hatred and love in the same time, it was weird.

"Uh," said Crabbe.

"Sorry," said Goyle.

"Too late. You guys are coming to my office, including Harry and Draco," said Bill. The four guys followed him into his office and Bill closed the door.

"So." He said. "I have an idea."

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