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Chapter 73: Apparation passed


Olivia threw her arms into the air in delight while squealing. A rare sight for many to witness.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Get the fuck in!"

Wilkie Twycross turned his head slowly to meet Professor McGonogall's gaze. He apparation instructor narrowed his brows in serious confusion while the Transfiguration Professor pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"Thank you, Thank you so much! You have no idea how happy this has made me and to think I thought a midget like you could teach me!" She beamed, insulting Wilkie slightly without really noticing.

The Professor looked to the man and smiled apologetically while Olivia ran towards the door, screaming and swearing in happiness. "My apologies Wilkie, shes been waiting for this day for a while."

The man nodded, amusement clear on his face while he rubbed his chin, "It seems. All I can say to you know Professor McGonogall is good luck keeping an eye on her. I'm sure she's on her way to Hogsmeade as we speak."

Professor McGonogall's soft laugh was cut abruptly in half, her face drawing slack and paling instead. The elder witch blinked expressionlessly at the wizard before running after the girl who had taken off abnormally enthusiastically.

The woman cursed her ill luck as a Hogsmeade weekend had fallen on that day of all the days, where Olivia would have open access to walking to the village.

"Black, you return here at once!" She was heard shouting down the corridor, "Olivia!"

Wilkie crossed his small arms over his chest while smiling in amusement, "I wish you my luck Professor." He then chuckled before mumbling under his breath, "All my luck."


"Potter, Weasley. Thank heavens." Professor McGonogall said, unbelievably out of breath.

Ron and Harry exchanged weird glances before turning back to their head of house, "Uh, Professor McGonogall. C-can we help you?"

"Yes you can, you see your timing is highly convenient." The woman said, straightening herself up, "Have either of you happened to run into Miss Black at any point today?"

They both frowned, "We were supposed to be meeting her and Hermione in Hogsmeade in a half hour."

"Well you needn't bother Mister Weasley I've a strong feeling she won't be there."

The two Gryffindors exchanged glances again, "Why not Professor?"

"She passed her apparation exam and just ran out into the corridor."

Harry fought a small grin forming on his face while Ron sighed and shook his head. The voices of Olivia's house mates could be heard approaching and the Professor turned to question them.

"Rosier, Wood, Montague." She called across the corridor, the three Slytherins stopping in their tracks before walking over to the woman.

"Professor McGonogall." Serena had greeted with a nod of her head, "Is everything alright?"

"I'm afraid not Wood, no."

"What seems to be the problem?" Graham asked.

"Have any of you seen Olivia as of late?" The woman asked.

"What did she do now?" Alexis sighed.

"It's not what she has done I'm afraid of Miss Rosier. It's what she will do."

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