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Chapter 31: The return of Uncle Moony


Olivia and Sirius sat on the couch in the living room, the girl leaning her head on her fathers shoulder as he inspected her bruised and bloody fingers, knuckles and hand when a crack sounded from the kitchen. The two tensed as they weren't expecting Remus for another hour, then Molly and Arthur were due back an hour ago.

"Padfoot?" Remus' voice called out.

Sirius relaxed as he sighed, "Living Room."

They listened as two sets of footsteps came closer and an idea popped into Sirius' head, leaning closer to his daughter he voiced the idea, "How about we prank them?" He whispered.

Olivia smiled deviously as her own eyes met her fathers, resting her head back on her fathers shoulder she stayed silent and moved so her back was to the door.

"Sirius – what in Merlin!?" Tonks shouted as she entered first, Remus following closely behind with his wand drawn and pointing at nothing in particular.

"Who are you?" He questioned his goddaughter unknowingly as Sirius pulled a mock face of shock.

Olivia held her breath to conceal her laughter as Sirius raised his arms in surrender and spoke out, "Moony, this isn't what it looks like."

"It looks like you're with a woman, one unknown to the Order Sirius and if you'd forgotten you're still technically a married man!" His best friend argued.

"Show yourself."

Olivia snorted loudly as her and her father broke out into fits of laughter, the two other wizards confused as they doubled over.

After a moment to compose themselves Olivia straightened and stood to face her Godfather and Tonks, her father rising next to her, "Well hello to you too Moony."

Their eyes widened in surprise as Olivia and Sirius exchanged looks, "This is the second time the poor girls had a wand raised on her today."

Olivia shook her head, "Third actually."

"Are you sure you're not a metamorphmagus? Every time I see you you're entire appearance changes." Tonks said, dropping her wand and moving across the room to hug the younger witch.

"No Dora, not a metamorphmagus just someone with a complicated life." She laughed as the older woman patted her back.

Her and Remus then exchanged hugs as her Godfather was still in a slight state of shock at the rapid change in his beloved Goddaughters appearance, leaving him to worry some more.

Olivia frowned instantly as they moved to the kitchen, "Stop that."

Remus looked up from his daze to see Olivia giving him a face, "Stop what?"


The man was surprised but shrugged it off quickly, "I'm not –"

"–you are, you're pulling you worry face."

"There's a face?" He asked.

Tonks scoffed as her hair changed colour again, "Oh yes, there's a few faces actually."

"Oh." The man sighed, "I never knew."

Sirius leaned back in his chair, "That's because you were never good at concealing ones emotions were you Moony?"

"Afraid not but I'd rather not get into that now."

Olivia's eyes flickered between Remus and Tonks, she watched as the woman's hair turned from its usual purple to a pinkish, red colour whenever she looked in the werewolf's direction. She then looked to Remus who's bags were darker than usual and his face was covered in scratch marks from the full moon the night prior.

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