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Chapter 61: Words to make the heart break


I take no responsibility for what I've wrote, get your tissues ready.


"Honest that old tosser wants to start doing something for himself instead of leaving it all down to us." Olivia complained again over the music in the Gryffindor common room.

Despite her playing for the opposing team that day she had still been invited along to their celebration. Not many people had anything against it or chance to protest as she had already threatened that she wasn't afraid to pull her wand out on anyone that had something to say about it. Most of the Gryffindors only laughed at her threat however some took it deadly serious and averted her at all costs.

She was stood with Harry and Hermione talking strategies on how to locate Slughorn's memory, the real one at that.

Hermione shook her head at her friend, completely used to her tone and attitude, "He'll be doing something Olivia, just as always it's a secret."

"I thought people would of learnt by now that secrets are one of the most deadliest things in existence on this corrupted world."

Harry snorted, "What? Besides the Dark Lord and Death Eaters?"

"Not forgetting acromantula's, fucking terrifying those are." She pointed out before shuddering.

"You sound like Ron." Harry commented.

Hermione agreed silently, nodding her head while pursing her lips, "Speaking of the devil. ."

Olivia smiled while looking to the youngest male Weasley, "He did good today, I'm proud of him for finally getting his chance."

Ron stood up on the table first pumping the air while the other Gryffindor's around them chanted his name, "You really shouldn't of done it." Hermione said.

Olivia looked to the pair, "Done what?"

"I know. Suppose I couldn't just used a confundus charm." Harry mused.

"That was different, that was tryouts. This was an actual game." Hermione defended.

Olivia was about to ask what was going on when she saw Harry pull a vail out of his pocket, "Is that liquid luck?" She whispered harshly.

Instead of answering her Hermione spoke to Harry, "You didn't put it in?" The raven haired boy shook his head with a brilliant smirk on his face before pocketing it again, "Ron only thought you did." Harry then nodded once with a proud smile on his face while turning back to face Ron.

The three watched as Lavender Brown tugged on Ron's arm, pulling him off the table and on to the floor. She then wasted no time in wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a strong kiss which he responded to.

Olivia's heart broke slightly for the girl stood next to her as Hermione turned away quickly and ran though the crowd. Although she'd never admit it to anyone but herself, Hermione felt something for Ron. She wasn't entirely sure herself what it was herself but she knew there was something there. They both shared mutual feelings for each other, not friends but more like unspoken feelings.

Olivia let out a deep sigh before turning and following Hermione out through the crowd and into the deserted corridors. She knew exactly what Hermione was feeling first hand with seeing Draco and Pansy together, seeing someone you have feelings for snogging, touching or simply being with another person breaks the soul slowly and painfully. Olivia felt it every single day but tried so hard not to let it show.

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