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Chapter 36: Potential marketing opportunity


"He'll want to recruit you for your power and potential."

"And if I refuse?"

"He'll kill you."

That night Olivia had never wanted to sleep so much in her entire life, even if I meant falling to her nightmares. It seemed that someone had a different plan for her however as all she did was toss and turn. Draco, who was lying next to her, was becoming increasingly restless because of her restlessness, which made no sense in her mind.

So as quietly as she could she slipped a dressing gown over Draco's shirt and her shorts and grabbed her wand, making her way though the dimly lit Common Room and out into the hallways of the castle. She went to the first place she could think of in the castle, the Astronomy tower. The sky was just starting to grow lighter but however was still mainly dark, indicating it was around three in the morning.


She knocked the light off her wand and sighed, leaning on the railing too lost in her own thoughts to hear the approaching person.

Draco frowned from the entrance to the Astronomy tower seeing his girlfriend exhausted and unhappy. He knew her nightmares were becoming an issue but he'd thought him sleeping with her had solved it but that wasn't the case. He also questioned why she'd said nothing about it, leaving him to wonder how long she'd been suffering by herself.

Little did he know she'd been suffering alone for quite some time.

No matter who she surrounded herself with she had never felt more alone than what she was at the minute. Sick of bottling up her true feelings and hiding secret after secret she wanted to tell her friends what was on her mind.

Not the Gryffindors but the Slytherins, she knew her friends would understand the secrecy if she told them the severity of the situation. But with the prominent rise of the Dark Lord came the supporters and as much as she hated to be prejudice against her own house, the support was starting to show.

Draco moved quietly over and snaked his arms around Olivia's waist, resting his chin on her shoulder as he felt her lean into him. She held onto her two necklaces from the most important people in her life as she welcomed the boy's warm touch and embrace.

"It's late, love." She nodded and hummed, her tired eyes becoming heavier by the second. "What's on your mind?"

A heavy sigh left her lips, "All sorts."

"Want to talk about it?" Draco asked, kissing her cheek lightly.

"Tt's almost been a year since Ced died. .and my nightmares aren't clearing. They're getting worse and they feel so real."

"What are they about?"

"The people I love the most dying or being tortured in the most brutal way. I reckon it's got something to do with the uprising."

Draco hummed, not sure of what to say. He didn't want to think about the uprising, he'd hear enough of it at home, "Do you ever, um, see. .me —yano–"

Olivia nodded solemnly as her eyes filled with pain, at that moment Draco could of sworn his heart shattered seeing the girl he loved look so unstable, so vulnerable.

"You're one of the worst." She whispered, tears gathering in her eyes.

The boy gently turned her in his arms and embraced her tightly, "Nothing will happen to us Olivia, we'll all be fine. I promise."

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