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Chapter 67: Love on the brain


Olivia sat silently in the Slytherin compartment, her head resting against the cool glass as she watched the snowy mountains of Scotland pass by though the window.

The train that morning had been exceptionally cold and for the girl who no matter what nowadays always seemed to be cold was exceptionally aggravated. Her head pounded from the events of last night; her conversation with Blaise, the party, Draco and Snape, all of it caused her head to throb painfully.

She had avoided Draco that next morning, unable to meet his eye as she knew he'd gotten himself into such a situation that an Unbreakable Vow had to of been made between Professor Snape and someone else.

Her table was silent, the three Slytherin girls not up to saying much to one another. The Christmas holidays for two out of three of them held the fear of the unknown. Alexis' parents had wrote to her earlier in the month regarding her wishes for and her brother, Felix to meet some 'family friends'. Olivia had placed a bet on her best friend and Draco seeing each other over the holidays because she knew the Rosier's active involvement within the Dark Lord's ranks.

For Olivia she was out of Hogwarts and practically unprotected from any harm, the only upside being she was of age and could legally use magic incase anything happened. Despite the threat of a possible attack Olivia was excited to go back home and see her family, she was holding out for Charlie and Alissa coming over for a day or two also as Olivia still couldn't apparate yet.

A small nudge to her side shook her out of her daze and she lifted her head from the cool glass, looking to her side to Serena.

The blonde gave her a faint smile, "Talk to me Liv. What's on your mind?"

Olivia shook her head, "Oh, nothing."

Alexis sat forwards, the frown on her face deepening. Her folded arms moved onto the table as she raised her brow, "You think we we're born yesterday." She said glumly.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, her eyes drifting to Draco a little way down the carriage as he conversed with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle.

"What did he do?" Serena asked. Olivia looked to the girl sat next to her and furrowed her brows. Serena looked over to Draco and nodded his head in his direction, "Draco. What did he do?"

"He's just being a prat like always. Doing whatever he's doing and not thinking about anything."

"If the position he's in is anything like mine then I'm sure whatever he's doing. ." Alexis shrugged her shoulders and sat back, "is because he doesn't have a choice."

Olivia nodded her head slightly and blew out a puff of air, her head leaning back on her chair as her heavy eyes closed. She remembered Blaise coming over to her that morning and asking if they could talk on the train. She pulled down on the sleeves of her oversized jumper and positioned herself to stand up, mumbling to ask Serena if she could get past.

The girl rose from her seat and stood patiently in the walkway that ran though the carriage, occupying herself by speaking to Graham who sat on the seats behind the girls with Theo. Olivia stood on Serena's seat and moved for the her bag that hung above them and pulled out her wand that she had tucked away. She closed her bag and jumped down off her chair just as the train jolted.

Thankfully at the time Theo was swapping seats with Serena and was stood there to catch Olivia as she stumbled off the chair after loosing her balance. She closed her eyes briefly and let out a shaky breath while dropping her head to lean on Theo's chest, "Thanks."

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