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Chapter 46: A trip down memory lane


After dinner Olivia had gone outside to watch the setting sun, she'd found with everything that had gone on it calmed her significantly and helped to ease her mind. She sat just outside the Burrow, in the fresh grass. The sound of Molly Weasley scolding the twins for supposedly starving Olivia as background noice, only making the girl laugh as they tried to defend themselves.

She heard the door open and close before she saw a wave of dark purple hair, Tonks sat down next to her rather ungracefully. "I'd hate to be those two right now, Charlie was right. She's terrifying when she's angry."

Olivia laughed, drawing her knees to her chest, "Tell me about it, you should of seen her face when she turned up in Romania to see me flying a dragon, thought she was going to explode."

The two girls laughed, "Trust Charlie to let you ride a dragon as she showed up."

"Funny thing is, we were meant to be having a race. The only reason I flew over was to see what was holding up his sorry arse, thought he'd snuck off with Alissa again."

"Alissa?" Tonks asked, turning her head to Olivia in surprise, "You mean–"

"Alissa Fawley." They both spoke in unison.

Tonks let out a squeal of delight as she clapped her hands together excitedly, "Ooo, I knew they'd get together eventually!"


"Besides my friends in Hufflepuff she was my best friend, along with Charlie."

Olivia nodded her head, "No offence Tonks but the Hufflepuffs in my year are right tossers."

Tonks snorted, "Doesn't surprise me, I wasn't fond on many of them when I was at Hogwarts."

They both laughed as Ron called Olivia's name though the window upstairs, signalling for her to go up. She looked to Tonks who only nodded her head, "Go on, knowing them it'll be something important."

"Okay but don't leave without saying bye." She warned, getting up.

Tonks laughed after her, "I won't."


"You what? Are you bloody mad?!" Olivia shouted.

Ron clasped his hand around her mouth as the three Gryffindor's seated in his room shushed her.

"Trust me Liv that's what I said." Ron sighed as he removed his hand.

"What's going on up there?" Molly called up.

"Nothing!" All four of them shouted back as Olivia rounded on Harry.

"And you're sure of what you saw?"

Harry nodded, "Absolutely, we all saw it. Draco and Narcissa Malfoy walking though Knockturn Alley checking their backs every few seconds before they entered a shop."

"And what shop would that be?" Olivia snapped.

"Burgin, bor– no, b-borgan–"

Olivia rolled her eyes as Harry stuttered on, "Borgin and Burkes?"

"That's it!" Harry cried, snapping his finger, "Hermione saw him lift his left sleeve then the werewolf shut the blind."

"I didn't say I–"

"–Are you on my side or not?" Harry asked.

Hermione and Olivia huffed simultaneously, "Fenrir Greyback." Harry looked at her blankly, "Honestly Harry, Fenrir Greyback – the one who led the attack on Diagon Alley a week back, took Ollivander then orchestrated the attack on the muggle bridge in central London – can I look at that?"

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