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Chapter 57: Recovery


Following the shock that a Hogwarts student had been rushed to St. Mungo's after touching a cursed necklace, an urgent call to many homes so late in the night from the very place had startled the recipients. No information as such was given, no mention of names or what had even happened but the message stated one thing: life or death matters.

One after one they apparated onto the grounds while Dumbledore had lifted the veil momentarily, from the time of patronus being sent they had five minutes to get to the castle before all protective charms, barriers and spells were set again automatically.

For the time being the Professor's didn't have the heart in them to remove several anxious Slytherins from the hospital wing as for the first time ever witnessed by other people, each and every one of them held tears in their eyes. They were completely and undoubtedly afraid that something of a similar fashion was reoccurring right in front of their eyes.

First to arrive was predictably Molly and Arthur Weasley, both parents completely on edge as to which of the five students they were caring for was facing such a touch and go prediction. They were very closely followed by Remus and while he might of looked calm, his mind was running a frenzy with the fear he'd broken his promise to his best friend that he'd allowed his daughter or godson to come in harms way again.

Molly's frantic eyes landed on Professor McGonagall first, "What's happened, who's hurt?!" Came her first words of that night as she spotted non of her children crowding around a bed.

"I'm afraid it's Olivia, she's–"

Remus' heart sank as Tonks was the next to arrive, tumbling into an empty hospital bed from the rush of the aparation, "What? No! She was supposed to be safe here, what happened?!" The Lupin demanded.

"Who is it Remus?" Tonks asked, rushing to the mans side.

"If you gave me a second longer Lupin I'd of had the chance to tell you!" Professor McGonagall replied sternly, "She so happened to touch the very necklace that Katie Bell had in her possession."

The Slytherins sat around her bed, Draco absentmindedly clutching to her hand tightly, "Why would she do that Professor?" Alexis had voiced.

"That is the question we want answering Rosier, I hadn't the chance to speak with her directly after the incident occurred."

The last to arrive was Cecelia, completely panic stricken, "W-what happened?"

Remus' eyes widened at the sight of an old friend, "Cecelia?"

"Oh Remus. ." She cried, "What happened to her, please tell me she's alright Remus. I-I've, she was fine when she left and-and I could never forgive myself if she. ." Cecelia choked back a sob while Remus embraced the hysterical mother.

"She picked up a cursed necklace on her way back to the castle earlier." Remus said while soothing the crying woman.

This however only seemed to anger Olivia's mother, "If it was earlier why weren't we informed, why wasn't she admitted to a hospital?!"

"Forgive me if my decision was incorrect Mrs Black but when I spoke with your daughter not a half hour later she did nothing but reassure me she was perfectly fine." Dumbledore aired.

"So you're blaming my daughter?"

The man shook his head while raising his hands in surrender, it had seemed she had taken his words wrongly, "It wasn't my intention to blame Olivia, no. What I was trying to say was that she told me she felt perfectly well and was feeling no pain."

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