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Chapter 43: Olivia the dragon tamer

"Charlie my boy!" Molly Weasley called as her and her husband Arthur apparated to the Dragon Sanctuary in Romania.

Charlie Weasley, the second pride and joy of Molly and Arthur's lives opened his tanned arms ready for his mother's embrace. Charlie much like his eldest brother Bill withheld the Weasley family's looks. Like every other member of his family his ginger shoulder length hair was fiery under the Romanian sun and tied back in a top knot. His green gaze taken from his father shone brightly. Charlie was well built, a perk of working with dragons since he'd left half way through his seventh year in Hogwarts and was incredibly good looking.

"Mum, Dad!"

Molly Weasley pulled her second born son into a bone crushing, Molly Weasley, hug, cutting off his air supply until she pulled away with her brows knitted together and her 'beady eye' on — as her children liked to put it, "Where's Olivia? Oh Charlie for heavens sake don't tell me she's–"

Charlie sighed, "Oh mum don't pull that face, she's fine. She's–"

Charlie was cut off by a thunderous roar followed closely by a swarm of fire and the sound of cheering. Molly's face fell and Charlie sighed once more looking down to the floor before pinching the bridge of his nose, cursing the sixteen year old internally.

Olivia's voice came from above them, "Come on Charlie! I'm ready to kick your dragon training arse!"

Charlie pulled a face at the girl and nodded his head backwards where a furious looking Molly stood. Olivia drew a sharp intake of breath, almost causing her to choke on her spit seeing Molly and the expression she wore.

"Molly! Arthur!" She beamed nervously, "Great to see you again but I must be off." She called before turning the dragon she was riding and flying off, leaving Charlie to deal with his furious parents.

Said boy turned around slowly with a sheepish look on his face, "I–ah, it wasn't my idea..." Molly's look didn't falter as she simply raised a brow in his direction, "Oh screw it." Charlie cursed under his breath as his mother clipped the side of his head.

"Charles Weasley!"

"Merlin mum, calm it."


Charlie ran over to Olivia to speak with her before his parents could reach her, she was feeding one of the hatchlings when Charlie arrived looking extremely flustered.

"What was that?!" He exasperated.

"What was what?"

"You, Olivanna Grace Black, well and truly threw me under the broom."

"Oh calm it Charles it was nothing, I went to park the dragon."

Charlie only blinked at her, "Par– Olivia you don't park dragons." He said incredulously, questioning his sanity and how he'd coped with the girl for the past month and a half.

"Call it as you wish Charlie it's the same thing."

Molly and Arthur had caught up with them just as Alissa ran over, "Now what are you both bickering over?"


A deviant grin formed on her face as she rubbed her hands together, "Oh now this should be good."

Charlie ran a hand though his hair, "Not a word."

"But I must not tell lies Charlie."

Before the older Weasley could form a reply his parents had reached the trio, "Oh Olivia, how lovely it is to see you again!" Molly said, pulling her into a bone crushing hug also.

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