| TEN |

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Chapter 10: Mine and mine only.


Olivia's hair blew in the slight summer breeze as the sky grew darker and night loomed around her. Thankfully Defence was the last lesson of the day, so the girl hadn't missed any more boring classes of Professors explaining the importance of passing their OWL exams in the summer of next year.

After the lesson she'd ran down to the shore of the black lake in a bid to find sanctuary along with a form of peace in the tranquility of the calm water, she'd skipped out on dinner having found herself with no appetite whatsoever. Her lack presence at dinner didn't go unnoticed by any student and when she didn't show her face like many had thought she would they had began to panic slightly.

She spent her time thinking, the soft breeze of air doing good to help her relax and let go. Most of her time out at the lake had been dedicated to thinking about Cedric and what he'd of thought about that rotten bitch some had called a Professor. In the time she'd cried and laughed while reminiscing her favourite memories of her and Cedric.

She missed him terribly and not a day went by when the boy didn't cross her mind, sometimes she'd be up into the early hours of the morning thinking about him. His death was untimely and most certainly unfair, Cedric's life was the first of many to be claimed in the horrid war that was on the brink of firing up. She thought about how he had been taken from his family and friends too young at only seventeen.

The brotherly figures death had created a lasting gap in Olivia's heart, one she struggled very much to put back together. She liked to think she was getting better and finally coming to terms with her best friends death after a long summer of heartache however the return to Hogwarts didn't come as easy as she'd anticipated.

Everywhere she walked she would see him laughing along with his friends. In the courtyard she remembered the day she'd spent with him before her birthday, in the Great Hall where she'd danced with him at the Yule Ball and in the Black Lake where he and Harry had so selflessly risked their own lives to preserve hers.

Cedric's memory would never die, it was kept alive just by Hogwarts itself with the time he spent studying at the wizarding school.

There was no doubt that by now people were looking for her, the girl knew it herself and wouldn't be surprised if someone had contacted the Order in a panic. She was unaware that twenty-something people were out looking for her, students and Professors, however at that given time she couldn't bring herself to return back to the castle to face the ever lasting questions and lectures of where she had been and the importance of not running off.

Much like the night before she'd abandoned her cloak and untied her tie, leaving it to hang around her neck. Her sleeves had been rolled to past her elbows and the first two buttons of her shirt had been unfastened, she was creating aimless shapes in the air with her wand.

When she ran out of Umbridge's classroom earlier she was taking the advice of Remus as in her last lesson before the summer had ended he had said if she ever felt like she was losing her grip on control that the best thing to do was to get out of sight until she felt she could handle herself.

It was at that point Olivia had made the comment of control being overrated.

Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore had agreed with Remus' theory and had promised to see fit that if the girl ever left a lesson without permission she'd not see a consequence regarding her actions no matter what.

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