"Naiyapaw?" a voice suddenly rang out, belonging to Coralfrost. Naiyapaw peered over her shoulder and caught sight of the ginger she-cat making her way over to the new apprentice. She was greeted with a welcoming smile.

"Tomorrow we shall get you caught up on the gems that we have in our den," the Jewel Collector stated, the setting sun plotting against her fur like fire, "and then we'll go digging in the forest for summer stones. They only pop up during green-leaf, so this will be the other apprentice's first time seeing them too," she finished with a curt nod of the head.

"Okay Coralfrost," Naiyapaw agreed, dipping her head and holding back a fond giggle of excitement, "Will the other mentors be coming?"

"Yes they will," she replied, "Now, have a pleasant evening. You won't get to do much relaxing after tomorrow!"

Naiyapaw groaned inwardly, but agreed nonetheless. She knew life in the tribe would not be easy, but getting to serve it was already showering her with rewards. One day, she thought with determination, I'll be a real Jewel Collector, and prove to everyone that I can be a cat worthy of StoneTribe.

Coralfrost nodded and padded back in the direction of the Jewel Collector's Den. Her lithe form disappeared around the side of the boulder, and showering rocks could be heard as she dove into the tunnel.

Naiyapaw breathed in the air and turned around, admiring the camp for the hundredth time since she emerged from the Carrier's Den. That's when she remembered what she wanted to do. 

Mother! she thought eagerly, her paws already thumping against the ground. I can't wait to tell her everything! I wonder how she'll react. I hope she likes my stories. I bet she's proud of me. Her mind was racing as she arrived at the entrance to her kithood hollow. She had spent six moons in the tiny burrow, sharing stories with her denmates and asking her mother questions about life in the tribe. All of her knowledge had led up to her position as a Jewel Collector's Apprentice. She'd never be able to thank the queen for that.

With a deep breath, Naiyapaw ducked her head and slithered beneath the overhanging boulder. Familiar darkness engulfed the apprentice, and all of the scents that had once surrounded her every day came flooding back into her nose. Tiny mewls squeaked from somewhere within the hollow. New kits? Already? she asked herself, snuffing in the odors of baby cats.

"Naiyapaw? Is that you?" a soft purr rumbled from behind her. She spun around and caught sight of a bright fiery crest around a set of four grey-blue legs. A kind pair of pale orange eyes blinked softly, flickering the tiny den with hues of citrus.

"Mother!" Naiyapaw replied excitedly, rushing over to the queen and nuzzling against her sleek fur. Biancafeather purred loudly in response, wrapping her tail around the caramel colored she-cat.

"Hello, my dear," Biancafeather giggled quietly, pulling back and observing her daughter with fondness sparkling in her eyes, "I've missed you these past few days. How do you like being an Jewel Collector's Apprentice?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, well it's been wonderful!" Naiyapaw replied enthusiastically, "Coralfrost took me and the others around the territory, and-"

Her recollection was cut off by a loud mewl right below her paws. The apprentice sprung back with surprise, shaking her head and flickering her eyes to the spot beside her mother.

Three little kits were buried into the queen's fur, barely old enough to move around on their own. They were all suckling vigorously, pawing at Biancafeather's belly and letting out tiny content purrs. The one that had complained was now shakily curling up into a puny ball of sleep.

Warrior Cats: The Omen of StoneTribe, Book 1 (The Essence)Where stories live. Discover now