11 - loud

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during the events of chapter ten...

feeling tired jimin walked down the hallway on his way to the bathroom to take a shower. it was late in the evening and he had practiced choreography earlier that day. he yawn and rubbed his eye with his small hand.

"ahh daddy~"

eyes wide, jimin whiped his head around, looking for the source of the noise he had just heard.

"you like that baby boy?"

"f-fuck yes"

jimin was s h o o k™. figuring out that the lewd sounds were coming from taehyung's room, he let out a small gasp and felt his face turn red.

"o-oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my-" jimin quietly muttered to himself, walking in the opposite direction, to get away from the sounds. he sighed deeply,  "i t-think i'll j-just t-take a shower tomorrow..." he ran a small hand through his hair started walking towards his bedroom.

jimin changed into his pajamas and went to sleep. hoseok confused on why his roomate looked like he had just seen a ghost, but he didn't question it.

+++++++++++++ next day+

       jungkook woke up in the morning, squinting his eyes because of the light shining through. he stretched his arms and yawned, look over at his boyfriend. remembering last night's... events .... jungkook blushed profusely.

       taehyung was sleeping peacefully besides him. an arm around jungkook's waist, other arm hanging off the bed.

jungkook attempted to get out of bed when he was held back by a strong arm.

"nooo, stay here," taehyung mumbled, still half asleep, "i'm tired." jungkook just giggled at him, "so am I hyung, but it's already 11am, we should get up." the older sighed deeply, "fine," jungkook smiled, "but," taehyung started, the younger raising a brow at him, " I wanna kiss first." jungkook chuckled, leaned forward and gave his boyfriend a kiss.

"now get up you lazy bum."


it was now early in the afternoon and jungkook and taehyung were sitting on the living room couch, cuddled up against each other. taehyung was laying in between the younger boy's legs. the jungkook ran his fingers through his boyfriends's long, fluffy hair, while the older snuggled into his back. they were enjoying the sweet silence and each other's presence.

"can we do this more often kookie?" taehyung asked, turing his head to look into jungkook's dark brown eyes.

the younger sighed, giving his boyfriend his bunny smile, "i wish we could, you know that tae, but... i feel like with yoongi hyung finding out and jimin hyung finding out a few weeks. later, we should keep it low-key." taehyung pouted, "that's sad," jungkook chuckled at how cute his boyfriend is, "yes it is baby. it is sad." he then kissed the older's forehead, making the pout turn into a big boxy smile.

taehyung leaned in for a kiss, jungkook following pursuit. the two boys closed their eyes and...


they both pulled away quickly, heads turning towards the doorway, where jimin stood with an eyebrow raised.

the couple blushed profusely, both annoyed that their alone time was interrupted.

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